
Day 157

I almost forgot to update today.  That would have been tragic...

I had a dream last night that I wet the bed.  I was pretty scared when I woke up, but I was safe.  Otherwise my morning was pretty uneventful.  I had oatmeal again for breakfast.  It was so tasty.  I'm probably going to be doing this for a while.

I have a difficult time remembering what we did in finance.  We did something. And I'm sure it was helpful.  Oh yeah, we started discussing some new stuff.  Nothing mathy today.  Just insurance-y.  We're gonna have an exam soon... blech.

In between classes my friends and I went over to the Atrium to study.  Well.. Dustin and I study.  Everyone else pulls their books out and talks.  So Dustin and I got some decent studying in.  He and I worked out a few concepts for clarification.  We also all talked about exam FM, it's difficulty level, and the content (since Dustin has already passed it).  He seems confident that we'll all be fine on it.  I guess we'll see.  I'm still planning on taking it in February.  So... Christmas will involve lots and lots of studying.  But if you want to know anything about interest theory or derivative markets, I'll be set!

During life contingencies we talked about the exam.  We also worked through some of the problems.  Mr. Dean is very adamant about taking each annuity back to the basics of a random variable and determining the expected value and variance in terms of the random variable.  I know it's helpful, but come exam time there is no way that I'm going to take the time to right everything in terms of a random variable... I'm going to want to just start calculating.  Oh well.  It's good to know the theory.  I've decided that when I take the exam, I'm going to go through in two passes.  On the first pass I'll write all the questions out but not computer anything.  That way if I run out of time I'll still get most of the credit.  Then on the second pass I'll do all the computations necessary.  He gives almost full credit if you don't do a computation or do it incorrectly, so that's my plan.  I really want to do better on this exam...

After class I taught.  David sat in for a few minutes.  Dr. Fischer encouraged us to watch each other's class, so David watched a little bit of mine and I'll watch part of his... next week sometime.  I started class talking about the group assignment.  And learning about different people who have dropped the class.  There is one girl who still needs to drop it.  She hasn't been to class since the last exam.  Otherwise class went decently.  Most of this material is just incredibly dry.  There's usually about 3 or so students who sleep.  That's fine.  My waking them up isn't going to do anything.  I really hope that I still see my students around campus after the semester is over.  I'm sure most of them really won't care to see me again.  But there is a handful that I've really come to enjoy having in my class.  Even though not every class is the most exciting I've gotten the feeling the most of my students like having me as a teacher.  Which is comforting.

Then I had lunch.  Followed by my work out.  It went, I suppose.  Today was just chest.  And I was pretty worn out by the end of it.  After I showered Timbo came over.  He and I studied for life contingencies for the rest of the afternoon.  I'm starting to feel even better about the exam.  I really think I understand this stuff.  I definitely want to work more problems and go over terms some more, but I think it's finally starting to come.

Yesterday I got an email from my small group saying that there was a lady who needed some help doing some heavy lifting at the women's shelter.  So after an absolutely amazing dinner (ham with a fruit glaze), I went over there.  But no one was there!  So I waited for about 10 minutes but no one came.  So I came back and did some dishes.  I was getting ready to go to small group when Kathryn invited me over to watch her church's live stream of their evening service.  It seemed interesting, so I did.  It was pretty good.  The pastor talked about how the Bible needs to be our absolute truth and nothing in our life will work according to God's plan unless our truth is the Bible.  There was more, but that was the main idea.  I agreed with most of it.  There were a couple points in particular that I need to think about more.  One thing he said was that if you aren't reading your Bible, then you don't love God.  I could have heard him out of context, but I'm pretty certain that he talked about that.  And... I just don't know if I believe that.  His point was that we can't claim to know and love God if we aren't spending time with Him, reading the Bible.  And I understand his point, I don't think that not reading out Bible implies a non-love of God.  There are other influential factors at work.  And things.  I'm tired.

When I got back I did some grading.  All my assessments are done.  Now... to write up a report!  Maybe tomorrow.  Or over the weekend.

But for now, I'm going to bed.  Night!

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