
Day 152

I have successfully survived another day of grad school.  No matter what else happened today, I call it a victory.

I got up a little early this morning so that I could do some more research before my interview.  Then I had some breakfast, read up on Lincoln some more, showered, got dressed, and headed off to my interview!  I got there a little early so I just sat and talked with Daniel, who is a sophomore Actuarial Science student.  He's already taken FM and is studying for P.  I guess that makes sense that they're try to get them through the exams as fast as possible.  It's just weird to think of all the math classes I've taken, but most of these kids just get through the calculus classes and probability, then focus on economics courses.  They'll miss so much good math!  No differential equations, numerical methods, modern algebra, number theory, discrete math, or real analysis.  It's so sad....

Anyhow.  The interview.  I thought it went really well.  I answered all their questions and they seemed to like my answers.  For the most part I was able to give them good, concise answers but also use humor appropriately.  My theory is that if I can make them laugh or at least smile regularly and at the appropriate time, I have a higher probability of being remembered, thus increasing my chance of getting an internship.  I also try to either get the first or last interview of the day.  If you interview well, getting the first slot of the day will give them a measuring stick against whom  they will compare everyone else.  So doing well can make you look really good against everyone else. Going last also gives you the advantage of being the person they will remember best because they don't have new faces to see and remember at the end of the day. So hopefully I left a good enough impression.  One of the guys asked me what I was looking for from a future employer.  I looked him dead in the eye and said "a job."  He thought that was pretty funny.  It seems that each company likes to have some question at the end that is unique and atypical.  Lincoln's question was "What do you think will set you apart from everyone else when we discuss all the interviews at the end of the day?"  So I said "Well. If you were two women I would mention my incredible good looks."  They both laughed a lot at that.  The one guy said to the other "Do you want to write that down?"  and the other said "No... I think we'll just leave that one here."  But overall I had a good time.  I honestly like doing interviews.  I don't get nervous.  I just like talking with these people and telling them about myself. I mean...who doesn't like doing that?

After my interview I went to the atrium and hung out with my friends there in between classes.  I missed finance because of the interview.  Then we went to life contingencies.  We have a test in that class on the 28th.  So, you know, that'll be fun.

Then... I taught.  Kind of.  Apparently there were a decent number of my students who didn't recall me telling them to type everything.  So I had to think of some way for them to get that to me.  Mostly I just let them email me.  This is going to be a mess to grade.... Then we had story time.  I read the story of the fisherman and his wife, where the fisherman catches a magical fish who grants wishes and the wife isn't content and asks for all the things.. and eventually gets nothing.  After story time we went over a few homework problems.  At this point it was way later than I had anticipated.  And I forgot my lecture notes.  So with only half an hour left... My class convinced me to just call class early for the day.  I was fine with that.  I plan an extra day in for studying, so I told them they won't get review day.  They seemed fine with it.  Personally I think they're going to regret that, but it was their decision.  They're grades, not mine.

In the office I read some life contingencies and did some stuff on Blackboard. Answered some emails.  After the office I came back to my apartment.  I thought about doing homework... but just didn't feel like it.  So I played video games and cleaned.  Then around 5 I went to the gym to go work out with Kathryn.  We ran.  I hate running.  Especially on treadmills.  I just get overheated and dehydrated so quickly that I can run as fast or as long as I can outside.  So I was not amused by my running performance.  But that's ok.  I got a good workout.  I didn't get back to about 6:30, then I showered and got some dinner.  I made chicken and rice.  Next time I make chicken I need to remember to defrost it prior to putting it on the stove.  That would have made things go way better.  Anyhow, it worked.  But I started feeling kind of like I was having a stuffy nose.  Which is not ok.  But I guess I don't have much of a choice.  So after dinner I just started doing some more life contingencies.  Right now I'm working through problems and trying to not to look in the book for the formulae.  It's been going ok.  But I have a week to get better.

And I'm exhausted.  So I'm going to bed.  Night!