
Day 136

I've noticed that when I look back over the course of the day... it feels so much longer than one day.  It usually feels like about three days.  This is possibly one of the weirdest feelings ever.

So this morning I had finance.  It was so long ago, I can't even remember what we did.  I need to look at that tomorrow.  In between classes I printed off my stuff for the class I teach, then went to the Atrium to sit with friends and do some work.  I need to remember to bring my headphones... I can't concentrate when people are all talking.

I really liked life contingencies today.  Today we did math.  No formal proofs or anything.  No, today we simply took equations and tried to intuitively write them in different ways.  We didn't check to see if they were exact.  We just wanted to see if we could think of different ways to write them.  I really liked it.

Then I taught.  Nothing too much to say about it.  This chapter is getting into statistics... it's pretty boring.  Oh well.  After class I had lunch and started reading some of the extra credit papers that I assigned.  They were... ok.  I think I was expecting more from Freshmen.  Then I came home and read life contingencies for a little bit.  I took Erica to the Toyota dealership today so she could get her car worked on.  Then I went to an informational session for the GA instructors.  It was kind of helpful.  Mainly we asked a few questions then talked things out with some of the people in charge.  I just got incredibly tired. I hate when this happens.  Anyhow, we asked questions, they answered.... it was alright.  They want to do this sort of thing on a regular basis in the spring so we gave them some advice.

When I got back I tried to make chicken curry using a recipe in my cook book.  I didn't have the ingredients for the recipe Mama gave me, so I'll have to try that some other time.  This stuff tastes really good but isn't spicy at all.  I think that using ketchup instead of tomato paste was a poor choice.  I also didn't have real onion... just dried minced onion.  Oh well.  It was pretty good.

After dinner I cleaned up.  I talked with grandpa on the phone.  Pat has pneumonia, so she is in the hospital.  So prayers would be appreciated.  He seemed to be doing as well as possible.  

After I got off the phone with grandpa I picked Kathryn up and we went to small group.  Since it was the Tuesday of the month we played games.  Well, that was the plan.  A group of us spent the first half hour talking about movies. Specifically Pixar movies and how much we love Wall-e.  And how Andrew and I cried at the beginning of UP.  And how I cried during Castaway.  And how fast Kathryn needs to watch more Disney movies... and The Princess Bride.  That needs to happen super fast.  Eventually we did in fact start playing a game.  I think it was... Family Feud?  Yeah.  It was fun.  Except that the answers often all seemed very similar.  Like for the "mystical creatures" prompt, the abominable snowman and the yeti were two different answers.  We were confused.

Then... I came back home and started researching Oneamerica for my interview tomorrow.    And now... I'm tired.  So I'm going to bed.  Night!

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