
Day 154

Today.  Let's see.... it was pretty good.  I got up, ate some breakfast, then started reading some life contingencies.  I started going through the chapter, writing down each formula, then writing down what each symbol in the formula means and different ways it can be represented.  Just to get the information processed in my brain in different ways.  I think I get the ideas pretty well, but I just don't know the kinds of problems he's going to put on the exam.

After lunch Jessie and Richard came to get me for the soccer game.  The MVNU lady's soccer team played Taylor, so we went to go watch.  They had a good first half.  Then...well, they had a really good first half.  I had forgotten how much I love listening to the fans at soccer games.  They're so cheerful and helpful.  In fact, I've found that often they even try to help the ref!  It's so thoughtful of them to so generously offer their opinion on each play, as well as how the ref is doing.  Why, usually they even have spotted the foul before the ref can feasibly get the whistle to his lips!  So nice of them... It was a really weird set up, too.  The fans were on the same side as the team.  About ten minutes after we got there I hear this "Joel Pagano?  Is that really you?"  And lo and behold there was a short little Andrea Fisher running at me.  After the game I talked with her briefly, as well as Lindsey and Courtney, both of whom were Math majors with me.  And Rachel (someone I met on my spring break mission trip) also stopped by to say hi.  She was more than a little surprised to see me.  After all the hellos and good byes and such we headed home.  I got a little bit of studying in during half times and the car ride.  Oh, and the game ended up being 1-1 after two over time periods.

When I got home I studied for a bit longer, then began working on grading the projects for my class.  It should take too long after I figure out what I'm doing. Unfortunately it appears that the answers to the questions vary depending on how you attained the answer... so... I need to figure out what to do about that.  I'll figure that out later.

Around 7 I went over to Erica's where Kathryn, Jacob, Dustin, and I met for dinner.  Then we met up with Timbo and his girlfriend at a corn maze.  And since I drove we got to listen to my music... which was certainly not country as some of the people in the car like.  Silly them.  Anyhow, the corn maze was an experience.  We found our way out in about 20 minutes.  So we went back in to try again.  And found our way back out in another 20 minutes.  It was a bit lacking.  But it was still fun.  Then we went back to Erica's apartment and had cheesecake.

And now I'm super tired.  So I'm going to bed.  Night!

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