
Day 497

I was pretty tired when I woke up this morning.  I guess I went to bed somewhat late last night.  After I got up I got breakfast and started doing some studying.  I did that for a couple of hours, then Kimmy and I had some lunch.  About ten minutes before I was going to leave for class I got an email from Dr. Foley saying that class was canceled.  So I took advantage of that time and did some more studying for my Regression test on Thursday.

When I got to my class with Mr. Owens he reminded me that I will be teaching a class for him in a couple of weeks.  I remember talking with him about two weeks ago... and at that time I had asked him to remind me because I would definitely forget.  So I'm teaching his Math of Finance class while he is out of town.  He also moved our test back from Friday to a week from today.  Thankfully.  My week just got a lot less stressed.  I still have plenty to do this week, but it just got better.

Kimmy was mostly done making dinner when I got home!  Since we went through the lasagna so quickly last week, we decided to make another one.  I had browned the meat earlier in the day, so she was nearly finished making it when I got home.  I did some more studying while we waited for dinner to be ready.  Then we ate really tasty lasagna!

After dinner I did some grading. I even convinced Kimmy to help me.  Actually, she volunteered.  But the help was certainly appreciated.  So we graded for a while, then when I was tired of that I worked on my lesson plan for tomorrow.  I also came up with a project for them to do... and hopefully this goes well.  I'm going to give them the option of doing it in Excel, but I don't know how well they know Excel.  I'm guessing not well at all.  But we'll see!

So I'm gonna go to bed now.  I have plenty more work to do tomorrow... yay!  Good night.

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