
Day 402

Well I'm pretty exhausted.

I got up and went to work and things.  For the first part of the morning I worked with Lee, then I had a meeting with Jeff.  He explained a lot about some of the reasons for why we do the reserve work and how he uses all of the pieces.  It was a lot of information, but it was good to see how everything fit together.

Sometime around mid-morning I apparently decided to get a runny/stuffy nose.  So I've been sporting that all day and it's been a real gem.  After lunch I worked with Vivian for a bit, then took a test over a "Basics of Property/Casualty Insurance" book they had me read for work.  I think I did decently?  It's not for a certification or anything, just a helpful way to understand more about insurance.  After it was over I worked more with Vivian in preparation for some of the work we have tomorrow.

After work I came home, had dinner with dad, then went to go run an errand for Mama.  When I left there I helped the George family do some more packing.  We got all of the big things packed and got their TV/sound system all cleaned up.  That was a tiny bit of a nightmare, but we got it all settled.

I stopped by Becky's to see her and Miles for a bit, but I could not stay long.  Miles was trying to set up some key commands so I tried to help... but the coding we were using wasn't working for some reason.  Which is quite silly because it's exactly identical to the ones I use.  Dumb.

Ok.  I'm off to bed.  I was too tired to make lunch tonight so I need to remember to do that in the morning.


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