
Day 319

This morning started off pretty normally, except for the part where I slept in and didn't go to class.  Life con got canceled... and then I just didn't feel like getting up for investments.  So I didn't.

I spent most of the morning getting ready to come home for the weekend.  Doing laundry, doing dishes, packing, eating, talking with room mates, showering... all the good stuff.  Then I woke Kimmy up and we got lunch.  We had tacos.

After we'd gotten all packed up we stopped by Kathryn's apartment to pick her up and then we left for Findlay!  The trip was fairly uneventful.  Kimmy and Kathryn both slept the majority of the way.  So... it was a pretty normal car ride for me.

When we got to Findlay we said our hellos, then I helped dad empty the van.  He and mom had gone to Westerville earlier today to get a couple beds and a table for me from grandpa, so I helped get that all our of the van and into the basement.  Then we sat around and talked for a while.  Dad asked Kathryn what it would take for her to come be his JV coach... and it would basically take having a job near here.  So he said he would look to see if Marathon needed actuaries.  Then we talked about wedding stuff for a bit,

Mom made pizza for dinner.  It was quite tasty.  I know we talked about stuff, but I'm really tired right now and can't think of anything.  After dinner we played a game which was really fun.  Everyone has a pad of paper and a subject prompt (usually a word or two).  On the first page you have to draw the subject.  Then you pass your paper to the person next to you and they must describe what you drew.  Then the next person draws what the previous person wrote down.  You keep alternating until you get your original pad.  It was a lot of fun.  Then Jesse and Amber and Lily arrived, so we talked with them for a while.  A couple hours later Jessie and Richard came.  So everyone was here and it was fun.

Kimmy and Kathryn and I went to go see Becky and Miles later on.  We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows.  It was quite good.  And I am way too tired to even think about what else happened, so I'm going to bed.  Good night.

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