
Day 293

Well, last day of break.  I don't wanna go to class tomorrow morning....

I woke up this morning at 9:30.  Well, actually I woke up at 9:27 and thought "I bet my alarm will be going off shortly..."  which it did.  When I walked into my kitchen to get breakfast I was totally confused by the clocks out there saying that it was 8:30.  So after a minute I determined that daylight savings time must have started today.

For breakfast I made eggs and some oatmeal.  I got a big container of plain oatmeal at Aldi yesterday, so I made some today to see how it was.  And it certainly is plain.  They weren't joking.  I used brown sugar and it was ok.  I bought frozen blueberries at the store, so I'll try those this week to see how they are.  I forgot about my eggs, so they were not my best.  Still ok, but nothing awesome.

I went to go pick Kathryn up from the airport today.  I figured that since I had taken her there, I should probably pick her up as well.  It made sense, anyways.  I got there early, parked, and sat by the gate outside a Starbucks.  I listened to some of the conversations people were having (always entertaining), played a game on my phone... and went back and forth between the two.  I've come to realize two things about airports.  

1: Airports make me anxious.  I think that it's because whenever I go to an airport to travel, I feel so worried about being on someone else's schedule (where there is hardly any room for error) that I've sub-consciously (un-consciously?) made a connection between airports and being anxious.  Good old classical conditioning.

2: I like being greeted and greeting people at airports.  I think that one of the best feelings is when you fly in from another country, get your passport examined, and get a "welcome home" from the security guard.  I love that so much.  You could both be having an awful day... but being told "welcome home" is a great feeling.  And I just like the feeling of having someone at the airport waiting for me to arrive.  So even though I'm sure other people don't get that same feeling, I pretend like they do and I get excited to welcome people at an airport.

Which brings me to the next part of my story: apparently I wasn't paying attention and didn't see Kathryn leave her gate.  Well done, Joel.

We finally connect near baggage and went to go find my car.  This wasn't a difficult task after I realized that I'd parked on the 4th floor, not the 3rd.

Oh side note.  I almost got hit on the way to the airport.  I was minding my own business driving next to another car.  I look over and the lady looks at me.  We made literal eye contact.  She then proceeds to share my lane with me.  I was confused, to say the least.  Now, if she was trying to get in the exit lane and it was heavy traffic, this would have been more understandable.  As it was, we were only the two cars in the near vicinity and there was no exit near by.  We were in the middle of 4 lanes.  She could have gone in literally any other direction without much issue.  But I guess my lane just seemed more appetizing.  Thankfully I was able to avoid the collision...

Back to the story.  So we left the airport and got food at Subway.  They had a $5 seafood sub.  It was... ok.  I wasn't expecting much from what I have to assume was heavily processed "seafood."  And I got about what I expected.  Oh well.

So we got back to Muncie.  Then Kathryn came over and we worked on the life con assignment.  I helped her figure out what was going on, she pointed out assumptions that I'd missed in class.  Someday I hope I can actually take good notes.  My notes have definitely gotten better over the past year... but Foley classes do not really make good note taking easy.  He just jumps around in the lecture and it's hard to keep track of where he is.  I get almost everything written down, but I can't always make sense of it.  Or (one of my favorites) is when I have contradictory information written down.  But usually that's because I was busing taking notes and didn't catch that he pointed out which one of the formulas he wanted us to use.  Oh well.  Yeah, so we worked on that, talked on the phone with David regarding that, and he pointed out some errors I had made.  For which I was appreciative.

Then... I made stir-fry for dinner.  Made hard boiled eggs for my salad.  Then I took Kathryn back to her apartment by way of Wal-mart, as she need some groceries.

And now I am back at my apartment.  Going to bed.  Not excited about having class in the morning.... So good night!

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