
Day 456

Yesterday was quite exciting!

In the morning I got ready and went to school.  It was my first day of teaching, so I wanted to get there early to print off some papers for class.  After I printed everything off I got to class about half an hour early.  At 15 minutes until the beginning of class there were already about 10 students there.  I made sure that I greeted each student as he/she entered the room.  The room was pretty full by about 9:25, so I thought I would try to break the ice a little bit.  I asked them if 9:30 was still considered early by college standards and they all agreed that it was.  So then I asked what an acceptable time would be and after some thought they collectively decided that 10:30 is no longer considered "early."  They're silly.  Anyhow, after the obligatory syllabus overview I had them do a "get to know each other" activity that had them get in groups of 4 and exchange names, majors, dream jobs, first thoughts on the class, and then come up with a question to ask me.  I thought it went well.  Most of the students seemed to be enjoying themselves.  The most unique question I received was the following: "You are stranded on a desert island with a flair gun, a rope making kit, and a volleyball.  How do you get off the island?"  They're funny.  Once I started teaching the actual lesson, I thought that went decently.  Unfortunately a lot of these lessons just involve a lot of vocabulary, so it's hard to get much involvement.  But I'll do my best.

After class I talked with Mr. Owens for a little bit about his opinion on my exam schedule.  I'd been thinking about putting off MLC until the spring and working on getting some other requirements out of the way.  He thought that sounded like a good idea.  That way I can give myself a longer period of time to study.  So after class I registered for another course.  And life is so much less stressful!

My new class is at 2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I came home, ate lunch, did some things around here, and went back to school.  The class went fine.  It is a mixed class with Actuarial Science people and Statistics people, so I'm hoping it doesn't get too technical.

When I got home I started making dinner.  It was something I'd made before, called Hamburger Stuff.  And we had corn on the cob.

It turned out ok.  The corn was amazing, the hamburger stuff was a bit bland. I'd like to try it again with more seasoning sometime.

After dinner I did some lesson prep for a couple of hours.  Then I played Team Fortress with Becky and Miles, watched a TED talk with Kimmy, and then we watched an episode of Firefly.  Since today is Kimmy's birthday, we were champs and stayed up until midnight, then promptly fell asleep.

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