
Day 453

I keep losing track of time at night.  One minute it's 10:30.... then I'm exhausted.

After my shower I got Kimmy up and made us breakfast.  Then we went to the farmer's market!  We got there pretty early because we didn't know how busy it would be or anything.  When we got there we just took a few minutes to walk around and see everything.  There was a vendor who stopped us to ask if we'd tried the best barbecue sauce in the world (I don't actually remember what he said, but it was probably something like that).  So we tried his sauce and it was quite tasty.  We decided to get a jar.  Partially because it was good, partially because the guy was just awesome.  Then we got some vegetables and such.  I was going to get eggs, but I'm not quite ready to commit to spending twice what I regularly pay on eggs.  I'm sure that they're a lot bigger.... maybe sometime.

After the market we stopped at home to drop off the food.  Then we went to Wal-mart for some other things.  We learned that even though the trash cans and lids are stored on different shelves, you cannot buy them separately.  Just so you know.  We tried.  After Wal-mart we stopped back at home so that Kimmy could fill out her Aldi application.  Then we finished our grocery shopping at Aldi.

I made lunch when we got home, then did some studying.  After I'd studied for a while I worked on other school things... like putting my syllabus together, getting my Google Calendar all set up, and working on my lesson plan.  I have it pretty well done, I believe.

We had left overs for dinner.  Then we looked at some recipes that we want to try in the near future for cookies and such tasty things.  Kimmy and I have decided to try one new recipe each week.  Hopefully that works out well.

I played some TF2 with friends for a while.  Then Kimmy and I took a walk through the park near our house.  It was really nice.  It's the same park that held the farmer's market.  We'll definitely be going back there.

When we got back we made a cookie run.  Kimmy really wanted cookies, so we went to Marsh and got a pack.  Then we ate them!  Well, we ate a few of them.  After cookies we played some video games... then went to bed.  The end.

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