
Day 274

Good evening.

Today was pretty standard.  I got up, went to work, did some studying.  This morning was mainly probability.  Then it was class time.

Today in life con we talked some about a project that I believe is due on Monday?  But he hasn't really talked much about it.  So this should be interesting.  We talked about how pension actuaries do pricing and different ways that can be achieved.  It can get pretty tricky.

After class I went to the computer lab to work on some stuff with Dustin and Timbo. It didn't take too long, but long enough that I couldn't fit in a work out before I had to work in the computer lab.  So no workout today for me.  I just did some more probability problems and such.

When I got home I cleaned up a little bit, answered some emails, did dishes, and studied for my life con test on Friday.  It shouldn't be too bad, but we shall see.  I'm starting to understand some of this material better, I just need to keep all of the formulae and connections straight.

Mom, Aunt Kathy, and Beth came up today for dinner.  They got here around 4:30.  Mom and I went to Wal-mart to pick up my prescription and some salad dressing.  Let's hope this stuff works!  After dinner was ready, they went over to Jessie's apartment and I waited for Kathryn, as she joined us for dinner tonight.  And she got to meet some of the family.

Aunt Kathy and mom made beef stroganof for dinner.  It was really good.  Then we had cheesecake for dessert, which was also phenomenal.  During/after dessert we got into a nice little theological discussion about making a politically correct Bible, and how some changes (like different translations) are allowed but others aren't.  There was some disagreement, but I felt like it was a productive debate.  Then I ended up showing more of my internet nerdom by explaining to everyone (save Beth and Aunt Kathy) what lolcats are and how there is a Bible being translated into "lolspeak."  Yes, it's a real thing.  Do not be alarmed if you have no idea what's going on.  That means you're normal.

Anyhow, eventually mom and co. had to go home, since they had a 3 hour drive ahead of them.  And now I'm home, hopefully going to bed sometime.  Yup!  Good night all.

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