
Day 263

My goodness.  What a day.

I got up around 6:15 to finish packing, make breakfast, and get all of my materials together before I left.  The plan was to go to Investments, take the quiz, leave to go up to Fort Wayne, then study for a couple hours before my exam.  And that's almost exactly what happened, so that was nice.

The exam was on IPFW campus (or whatever that place is called).  I realized after I arrived that the email had not specified what building I was in, and only vaguely mentioned where to park.  So I found a parking garage, parked on the third floor (in hopes that I no one would notice), and looked for some building that would direct me to the proper location.  Thankfully the library was nearby, and one of the friendly staff was able to direct me to the testing center.  So I found the testing room, made sure that I had everything in order, and then went to go study for a couple hours.  As it turns out, there was a Subway in the basement of that building.  I had planned on finding a Subway for lunch, so this made everything way easier.

After lunch I read through some notes, worked through some problems, and just kind of freaked out for a little bit.  Eventually I just decided to get it over with and see how bad the damage was.  After some rigorous insurance that I wasn't going to cheat (reading two different legal statements about how I promise not to cheat, the ramifications of me cheating, emptying my pockets, leaving my watch and everything else outside the room except for my calculators) I entered the room and began.  Due to the agreements I signed I can't actually talk about any of the problems on the exam.  But I can say that it was a just lovely time.

But everything went better than expected.   After the exam was over, I filled out a questionnaire about my testing experience and preparation.  I gave them a nice explanations of how things could have been improved (like being told how to get to the testing building) and a question that I thought was ambiguous.  And then when I hit "finish" I saw my results page.  And I passed!!  I won't get an official score for about 8 weeks, but I know that I passed and I am ever so relieved.  I'm very grateful for all the encouragement from everyone for the past couple months of my studying.  It's been fantastic.

After the exam, I collected myself, learned how to breathe again, and then waited for Rachel to get off of work.  When she was done I met her at her apartment, where we caught up on the past few months of life.  Then when Trevor got home we went to Qdoba for dinner.  It was good to see them, as I haven't seen either of them since their wedding.  We talked about... everything.  Weddings, work, college, Indiana... it was lovely.  Eventually I had to go, which was nonsense.  But it was getting late and snowy and I had to drive to Findlay.  So off I went.

When I got home I saw that Mom had made me a congratulatory banner.  Thanks mom :)  So I caught everyone up to speed on how it went and everything.  Then Kimmy got there a little after I did.  And now... I'm tired.  It was a long day.  Time for bed.  Night!

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