
Day 545

Here are more things for everyone to read!

So.... this morning.  It was pretty normal.  I got up, ate, and went to church.  For some reason I had a headache all morning.  Part of me thinks it was a late side-effect of not having coffee yesterday and the other part thinks I just haven't been drinking enough water.  Either way, it was kinda bothersome all morning.

After church we went to Arby's for lunch.  I have a love/hate relationship with Arby's: it's possibly my favorite fast-food restaurant, but the food never sets well in my stomach.  Oh, the trials of life.

When I got home I started on some homework.  Actually, first I finished my lesson for Tuesday (which I'm still really excited about) and then I worked on homework.  I'm going to be doing lots of reading and studying over break.  And grading... I have a lot of that to do as well.  Oh, this break is going to be wonderful!

During dinner Kimmy and I watched a TV show that was pretty interesting.  It's Sherlock Holmes set in modern times.  Then... it was back to homework.

So here's an interesting mishap.  Kimmy made some pumpkin bread a couple days ago (it's really really good) but didn't use all of the dough.  So she finished it up tonight.  However, there was more dough than there was in the last loaf.  Since we only have one pan sufficient for making bread it was hard to estimate how much was half.  So after she made it she brought it to show me... and the outside was cooked, but the inside was still completely uncooked.  We started peeling (and eating) the top layer off so that she could cook the inside part.  And oh man... it was so good.  Some of the uncooked dough had gotten onto the cooked parts of the bread and it was SO amazing. If I get sick from eating something with partially cooked egg in it, it will be totally worth it.  Oh wow, it was amazing.

That's about it for today.  Check back tomorrow for... well, most likely something kinda mediocre.  But possibly something exciting!

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