
Day 107

Today was Labor Day for those who were unaware.  I celebrated by now working out this morning and instead having a wonderful bagel with peanut butter.  Actually... it wasn't as good as I wanted it to be.  I think I'll be those from Meijer next time.  They're both kinda bland.  Speaking of Meijer, I realized yesterday when I went shopping how clueless I am when it comes to vegetables.  I spent about 10 minutes staring at a shelf about 40 feet wide full of lettuce.  I had no clue what I was doing.  So eventually I found something that looked kind of normal.

Anyhow, that was yesterday.  Today I started out by basically being a bum and not studying for a while.  It was wonderful.  I just decided that I could put work off for a bit on Labor Day.  So that was fun.  I talked with Amber and Jessie (at different times) for a bit.  They were just taking it easy today, as everyone should.

Eventually I did get around to studying.  And it wasn't fun.  I think I'm pretty well prepared for the quiz.  It's not really worth much of our grade, but I want to have all of this down.  I have a hard time getting as motivated to study really hard for something when I don't have any sort of assessment.  One of my classes is very "just read and do the problems on your own," and I have a difficult time with that.  I do the work, but not as much as when I have some sort of assessment.  But thankfully most of my classes have very thorough lectures and I get nearly all of the necessary information out of them.

So it's finally started to sink in that I'm not going to be done with my program in 1 year.  And I've started to be ok with that.  It will give me more time to study for my exams.  If everything goes how I hope it does (which doesn't seem to be the case here, but I can hope) if I take 9 credits in the spring I can take 6 hours in each semester the following spring.  Ideally I will be taking one of the exams this December.  The timing should work out pretty well because I can take it after the final for Financial Math, which is the material covered on the exam I plan on taking.  So between that and studying on my own I think I should be pretty well prepared.  So I have a little over 3 months.  The website suggests 300 hours of studying per test.  But since part of that process will involve me being in class I need to figure out a consistent schedule for studying.  I'm thinking that 30 minutes every day and an hour on Saturday and Sunday will give me around 5 hours of studying each week.  Since this will be supplementing what I learn in class (and I can study more as I get closer), I think this will work.

After dinner I went to the study session with my group of people.  That was fine.  Dustin and I discussed a lot of the problems and I felt a lot better about it.  Most of the time I just need to verbally say things to solidify them.  I've never liked that, but it helps me more than anything else... so I do it.

When I got back I played Team Fortress with James for a bit.  My brain just needed to relax for a little bit.  And now I'm going to go to bed so I can get up early, make my lunch, and look over my notes some more before my quiz.  Woo.  Night!

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