
Day 247

Woo hoo.

This morning started out with me waking up at 6 am and realizing that I need to be getting to bed earlier if I'm going to work out 4 days a week.  Ew.  My morning continued at 6:30 when I actually got up.  I had eggs and biscuits for breakfast.  I'm hoping that by alternating breakfasts I won't get tired of them as quickly.  We'll see!

This morning in investments we...hmm.  We talked more about utility functions.  I'm getting the idea that Dr. Foley doesn't really like text books too much.  Our taking home quiz and new homework assignment were not really covered my lecture material.  Some of the quiz was covered in the text book.  Anyhow, more on that later.  After investments we went to the Atrium.  I asked Tim about the apartments that Kimmy and I are considering.  He hadn't heard of any of them. But that's fine.  Then we just worked some problems to prepare for our probability quiz.

That turned out to be less than helpful.  This section of probability is one of my worst.  Combinatorics.  It is an area of math that deals with counting.  Not just nice things like "how many kings are in a deck of cards?"  On the quiz today there were questions like "What is the probability of getting a bridge hand with 4 cards of one suit, 4 of another suit, 3 of another suit, and 2 of the remaining suit?"  That was one of the easier questions.  For those curious, it's just over 43%.  I hope, anyhow.

After this quiz I went to get a hair cut.  I desperately needed one.  Then I went to go talk with Alex for a little bit on my way back.  Nothing serious, just chatting.  Then it was off to go apartment hunting!

I was actually fairly successful.  I think there were 7 apartments on my list and I set up 4 appointments on Friday to see them.  The other 3 were owned by the same company and did not have an on-site office.  They looked pretty run down anyhow, so I was fine with skipping them.  Plus we only had time for about 4 showings, so this worked out wonderfully.

When I got back I showered, got some food (finally) then studied for FM for a couple hours, just working through problems.  For dinner I had left over pasta from the other night.  While I ate I did some research for my interview tomorrow.  I still have not received an email with the contact information for the guy I'm supposed to call.  So I'm going to call the main phone number about 30 minutes early and try to work through their system to talk with him.  We'll see how it goes.  I'm going to at least try to get his email address so that if nothing else I can email him and explain the situation to him.  I also wrote a new cover letter for him.

Then I worked on investments for a couple hours.  We didn't really cover any of it in class.  Well, we covered the first problem.  But the other three... I had to learn some new Excel functions and nonsense.  I hope I did it correctly.  We'll see!  After I finished with that assignment, I did the homework that will be covered by the quiz next Friday.  It didn't take long, so hopefully I did that right as well.

And now I'm going to bed.  Good night!

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