
Day 246

So I'm ready for this exam to be over.  Truly.  And I'm sure you're all ready for me to be done talking about it.  17 days and it will be over!  Hopefully for good...

Anyhow.  I woke up this morning at 6 and did some studying for about an hour. I think I had oatmeal this morning for breakfast.  Yeah, I did.  I remember because yesterday I ran out of biscuits, so I had to make more today.

After breakfast I got all my school and workout materials together and left for work.  I was in the computer lab for 2 hours before life con this morning.  I did some grading for Dr. Nelson and talked with the various people that filter through there at 9 am.

During life con we discussed some of the homework problems, then talked more about the "common shock" joint survival model.  I feel like he spends a lot of time on things that really don't matter that much.  But if he thinks that's what we should spend more time on, then far be it from me to say otherwise.  

After class Dustin and I went to go work out.  The first exercise we did is normally a sitting exercise, but all the benches were occupied so we did it standing up.  This turned out to be a bad idea because both of us, in an attempt to do one more rep, arched our backs a little bit and promptly did something to the muscle right around our shoulder blades.  So we kept going, being very cautious of what we were doing... but ended up quitting early because it was just causing too much discomfort and we didn't want to irritate it anymore.  It was odd that we both did the exact same thing and injured ourselves in the same way.  I'm feeling better now, but I'm glad that we're taking tomorrow off.  After working out I went back to my office to eat lunch.  Then I had to work in the lab for another hour, which I spent finishing me grading.  While I was there I got a call from a company I applied to last night.  The guy wanted to do a phone interview with me, so I told him that I could do it at 4:30, to which he agreed.

When I got back to my apartment I showered, got a snack, then got to work on studying.  For the most part my studying from now until exam time is going to consist of working problems and looking over formulae that haven't quite yet stuck because they are hardly ever used.

So my phone interview.  PJ called me a little after 4:30, asked me a few questions about why I wanted to work for the company, my education, my physical proximity Ball State Campus, and things of that nature.  Then we went on to describe why I want to work for the company (Campus Special).  This seemed oddly familiar from Vector Marketing, but I let him keep going.  The basic idea is that Campus Special creates coupons for college students.  The part where I come in is that they need people to talk with local businesses about participating as vendors.  I asked if I would have to do any cold calling (which would have been an immediate deal-breaker for me) and he assured me that I would not.  For the most part I will given an account/client and working with that account.  I don't mind selling to people who want my product.  I do mind selling to people who don't want it.  So this shouldn't be too bad.  At the end of the interview I asked when I could expect to hear back about potentially progressing on to the next stage, and he said that over the course of the interview he decided to move me on to a phone interview with the head of HR and hiring.  So I have another phone interview on Thursday.  Except that PJ was supposed to email me contact information for this next guy... and he has not.  So hopefully he does that soon because tomorrow is going to be pretty busy.

After I got off the phone with PJ I had dinner.  I finished off the lasagna I made last week.  Then I studied for my probability quiz tomorrow for a while, followed by more studying for FM.  I did that until about 8:30 at which point my brain was done.  So now I'm going to go to bed!  Good night all.

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