
Day 170

There's something about Monday that just makes it seem so incredibly long.  Like, after stats today I couldn't convince myself that it was still Monday.  I thought it was Tuesday.

Anyhow, this morning.  I woke up at 5 this morning to study some more before my finance exam.  Kimmy left this morning around 6, so she got to see my morning routine.  I'm sure it was incredibly fascinating.  Anyhow, after I got breakfast and made my lunch, I studied for a couple hours.  A little before 7 I took a nice long shower.  It definitely helped me wake up.  I left for the exam around 7:15 and got there right around the same time as Timbo.  So he and I walked to class and discussed some problems and all that nonsense.  I looked over a couple problems that I hadn't quite figured out when Tim got there, and it turns out that I had figured them out properly.  Mr. Frye got there a few minutes before 8 and we started the exam.

In talked with people afterwards, I know that I missed a couple.  There was one that is bothering me quite a bit.  I had to find a geometric sum and set up the entire thing properly (including the non-intuitive discounting)... but I had one number that was incorrect.  And it was in my very last calculation.  Hopefully her is generous.  There were another one that was frustrating because we talked about spot rates and forward rates for maybe one day.  I think that's something that just doesn't make sense to me.  In my mind, spending more time on something means that it is more important.  So spending almost a week on callable bonds (to me) implied that they were 4 times as important as spot rates or forward rates, which we spend a total of 1 day talking about both of them.  And there was 1 callable bond problem on the exam and one spot rate/forward rate problem.  Bleh.

Alas.  The exam is over.  Then it was off to life contingencies.  We talked more about the portfolio premium price principle.  Or something like that.  There were a few times in class that I almost burst out laughing.  You see, Tim and I do not have a statistics background.  At all.  And there are many times where a concept will get used that just appears to be common knowledge to everyone...except to two of us.  So we usually play along, but have no idea why we can do what just happened.  The case is especially true for variance.  In some cases you can (apparently) square all the constants all willy nilly.  But other times the constant just magically goes away!  And we have no idea why either one happens.  I'm starting to piece things together, but it apparently was supposed to be common knowledge far before my taking this class.  It's really quite funny.

After class Timbo, Dustin and I went to the computer lab to do some stats.  A few problems had to be done on a computer program.  Woo hoo.  I think I did them kind of right.    Afterwards I went to Tim's office to finish the homework.  And help him start it.  He ended up getting most of it done. Then we went over to stats.

We got our exams back.  She had written on the front the problems she was going to let us redo.  She encouraged us to try again without looking in our book....we'll see.  The main reason I did poorly was because I had no idea what was going on.  But that hasn't changed.

So I'm going to start stats soon.  When I got back I made some dinner and just relaxed the rest of the night.  Did some cleaning.  Laundry.  And now I'm blogging and going to bed!

I don't have finance tomorrow because Mr. Fry has to proctor an MLC exam.  But I forgot my lunch box earlier in stats, so I need to go to Dr. Begum's office to retrieve it.  And I need to plan my lesson.  So still an early morning for me.  Oh well.

Oh!  I have an interview a week from tomorrow with the Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance.  So...we'll see how that goes!  But for now it's bed time.  Night!

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