
Day 649

Well, it's getting close to show time!  Only three more days to study before I take my exam.

Here's a short recap of my weekend.

On Friday, I had exactly 3 students show up to class.  I was expecting that much.  So I showed them some things in Excel that will be helpful for their upcoming project.  One of my students was really impressed with some of the things I'd done in Excel (none of which was really that extensive), so I sent him a worksheet I'd created for my Models of Financial Economics course last semester.  That one is pretty extensive and uses a good variety of things I know.  I wrote a lot of comments in the worksheet because there are many many new concepts that I'm quite certain he's never encountered.  None of it is difficult individually, but combined together it can be pretty overwhelming.  Regardless, he can put numbers in and get cool stuff out.

Yesterday was the standard "studying and grocery shopping" day.  Soon to be over...

Today was more studying.  I worked through almost 2 tests worth of material, then read some of the textbook.  There are a few concepts that are still giving me trouble, but I'm not too worried.  I understand the basic ideas, so on the very very rare chance that such a question gets asked, I'll save it until the end and try to figure it out.

My goal for tomorrow is to work through the practice questions again.  There are a grand total of 76... so I don't know if I'll actually get them all done, but I'm going to give it a try.  Going at about exam speed, that will take roughly 8 hours.  We'll see if I have that in me tomorrow.

I am feeling pretty good about the exam.  A week ago I was feeling decent, but I've worked through the practice exams again and I know the material much better this time.  So I'm feeling pretty confident.  I also believe that I will get instant feedback after my exam is over, so I'm pretty excited about that.  Otherwise, I have to wait 8 weeks to hear.  I guess I'll found out on Thursday whether that rumor is true!

Ok, time for bed.  Good night!

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