Ho hum. Today today. It was not an exceptionally eventful day, but a good one. After I got up (around 9) I just putzed around for about an hour or so, eating breakfast, showering, and playing words with friends. Mom and dad left around 10:30 to go put shelves in at mama and poppy's. I just stayed at home until about 11:30, when I left to go have lunch over there.
For lunch we had lasagna and a beadstick. And canole for dessert. It was very good. I haven't been especially hungry recently and I don't really know why. But oh well. After lunch we went up to their apartment. Poppy was at dialysis at the time, so we didn't get to see him. But I helped mama use poppy's Amazon gift card (I'm sure they'll share!). Then I went off to JCPenney to see if I could exchange my suit jacket. I got a 38L but didn't have a long sleeve shirt with me at the time. I should have gotten a 40R. The jacket is supposed to expose about half an inch to a quarter of an inch of shirt sleeve. Mine did not. But they wouldn't exchange it for me because I had worn it. So mama said that she has a friend who will fix it for me. Yay!
Upon returning home I did some studying. I finished the questions from yesterday and started on the next section. It seemed pretty easy, so I just did the whole section today. I did pretty well on the exercises, so I was happy. They just always seem to start with a couple problems that are total odd-balls. Oh well. I'll get it.
For dinner we had sloppy joes. We all think that Amber is nonsense for liking Manwich better than homemade sloppy joes. But oh well. Dinner was had. After dinner we played a game of settlers. Actually, we played the Caravan expansion. Dad was less than amused. His numbers did not get rolled very much. Like... hardly at all. And mine got rolled constantly. So yeah. I would have been frustrated had I been in his position. In fact I've been in his position before. And I was quite unhappy.
After Catan we all went off to do our own thing. Dad has been rearranging the computer room. I'll take some pictures if I think of it. But in the mean time, I'm going to bed. Night!
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