
Day 215

And another long day has been completed.  I woke up this morning a bit early so that Jessie and I could take care of some last minute shopping.  But the store wasn't open yet, so we returned empty handed.

Upon return we had a breakfast sweet rolls, eggs, sausage, and biscuits.  It was fantastic.  I ate so much food.  So much delicious food.  Afterwards we commenced in the exchanged and opening of gifts.  Lily was making everything all sorts of exciting, as is her custom.  I also used some of my standard wrap jobs.  Nothing too exciting this year though.  Mainly just boxes I had laying around in my room.  There was one that involved a bag taped to some tissue paper.  That was a classic Joel-wrap job.  Had I thought of it earlier, I would have taken a picture.  But alas, I did not.

When we'd finished I went to go take a short practice exam.  Just 11 questions, but my goal was to do them in as little time as possible and see well I did on one-run through (without going back to check work or anything).  And under those circumstances I was reasonably pleased.  I got 7 of the 11 correct, took 25 minutes of the 55 minutes, and knew how to do 3 of the 4 that I missed.  So if I had gone back and reworked them I think that I might have noticed my mistakes.  But since my goal was just to see how well I could do on one run, I think I did decently.  I will make sure I look very carefully at the questions I missed.  I will probably end up taking tomorrow off... but I'll bring my manual in case there is down time.  Just to do some reading, nothing serious.

Then we went to the grandparents.  When we arrived we listened to poppy tell the Christmas story to the Primrose citizens.  It was a success!  Everyone thought he did a fantastic job.  When he was finished we all went up to their apartment and some cooking took place. There wasn't much room (their apartment is made for 2 people, not 10) so most of us just tried to stay out of the way.  I was really tired all day.  I got 8 hours of sleep last night... so I'm not sure why I was so tired.  Oh well.  Eventually Richard and I went to Wal-mart to get some things.  I got an energy drink while I was there.  After grad school I need to stop drinking so much caffeine.

Then Poppy and Dad and I played some Canasta.  I was winning when we quit for dinner.  Amber made hamburgers on the stove, Jessie and mom went to go get some potato salad and other sides.  We had a quick dinner then went home to get ready for the Christmas Eve service at church.

It was a nice service.  Lots of people.  I talked with Dave and Jared before the service.  I miss talking with them.  And someone tried to steal our seats while I was talking to them... but mom victoriously defending our stomping grounds.  I was sad that Kimmy was not able to join because they used Papyrus font in the opening video.  And that is her absolute FAVORITE font.  Ever.  Few things in the world make her happier than a nice sign written in Papyrus.

After the service we talked to more friends who we had not seen for quite some time.  I'm not sure if I conjugated all of my verbs properly in that last sentence, but I'm just going to go with it.  I talked with friend Becky for a couple seconds.  Then I went home with parents, cleaned up from cooking, and got ready for bed.  Instead of actually going to bed, I sat in my room and talked with Jessie and Amber for a while.  I don't get to talk with both of them at the same time very often, so it was good.

And now I'm off to bed.  I will talk with you all tomorrow night, so have a fantastic Christmas.  What it is that you're doing, make sure that you are happy doing it.

Good night!

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