
Day 210

Alright, first weekday on break.  It was a pretty decent day, I suppose.  I actually slept in pretty late today.  I didn't get up until 9:45!  I don't remember the last time I slept in this late, but it felt really good.  After I got up I answered some emails from students about final grade computation, ate some breakfast, and caught up on my games of Words with Friends.  After breakfast I took a shower and learned some more stuff on my BA-2 plus calculator.  I think I've just about learned all of the things I need to learn.  I've been going through my finance book and reworking problems using my new calculator to see how different functions work.  I have most of the things figured out I believe.  Tomorrow I think I'll just start going through my FM study manual.  Oh joy!

The rest of the afternoon was pretty standard: going back and forth between video games and studying.  I imagine a lot of break will be like this.  Mr. Schwab came to fix the toilets.  And by fix I mean replace.  So I helped him carry two of them out to his van.

After he left I went to my doctor's appointment.  I've had a rash for a while.  He looked at it over the summer, I tried some stuff, it worked, but now it's not working anymore.  So he gave me a new prescription, but recommended to first try using Selsum Blue again, but to use it as a body wash, not just a shampoo. So I'll try that.  It seemed to work over the summer, so hopefully this will work again!

I also went to the Verizon store to have them look at my phone.  The charger won't stay plugged in.  I do not like that.  So the guy cleaned it out and it works better.  He was wearing a suit and it fit him very nicely.  I told him such and I think he felt a little uncomfortable.  But it looked fantastic on him.

When I got home I talked with mom and dad for a bit before they left for their bible study dinner.  I made spaghetti for dinner.  And I studied a little bit.  My evening and night were pretty much like my afternoon!  I did end my evening with a game of L4D with James and Miles.  That was fun.

And now it's time for the sleeping game.  My favorite!  Good night all.

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