Somehow these past two days seem to have taken about 2 weeks. It's been remarkable. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing... but it's a thing. Just yesterday I took my finance exam. Incredible. It feels like I did that ages ago. Like empires were created, prospered, and diminished in between now and that exam. Alas, we move on.
This morning I got up a little bit early to finish writing up my life con exam. I emailed an Excel file, but I also wanted to hand in some of the work. That took a bit longer than I had anticipated, so I got breakfast a little late. I took me an extra bit of time to get ready because I had to pack of snacks for class today. But eventually I got everything packed and left for school. Somehow I made it there and to class in 12 minutes. Usually it takes closer to 20. Part of this is due to my catching the shuttle right as it pulled up. Another part was due to my not having to stop at any traffic lights.
Anyhow, I got to class. I asked Mr. Frye if he'd finished grading our exams. He just laughed. I told him that we could cancel class so that he could have an extra hour to grade them... oddly enough he didn't take me up on the offer. After class was over I went to the computer lab to print of some stuff for class. Originally I'd gone to the computer lab on the fourth floor, but the printer was out of ink. So I had to go downstairs. I don't really like using the lab because the computers are on some weird network and the printing doesn't always work. But apparently the stars were aligned and I was holding my tongue properly because everything printed just marvelously.
Life con was really frustrating today. We did a couple practice MLC problems. I had no idea how to do them. That's not true. I had a small idea. We're just learned so many things and it's very difficult to remember all of them. Especially taking three actuarial classes at the same time. There are just so many things. ALL the things. Yeah, so I was pretty frustrated, but I know that I wasn't the only one. Just... bleh.
Anyhow. After that I went to go teach. And that more than made up for life con. Today was absolutely fantastic. I assigned a group project to do and today was presentation day. I brought in cookies and milk as a snack. Apparently Lauren (one of my students) had also brought cookies. So we had lots of cookies! I had assigned a group project (four people per group). Each group had to cover some mathematical topic in four areas: history, current applications, creative representation, and "explain like I'm five." The first group did their project on fair division and for the creative representation one of the guys brought in his guitar and played a song that he had written. It was amazing. I would post the lyrics, but I really don't feel like it would make much sense without being in the class. But it was really good. Another group did their project on Morse Code and one of their guys brought his guitar in and played a song that HE had written. It was equally fantastic. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. It was just terrific. Another group did their project on student loans and one of the girls in the group made a cake and iced it to look like a loan. The guy who was supposed to explain it to a five year old did a remarkable job. He explained loans like this: imagine that you (as a little kid) have an allowance of $3 a week and want to buy a $30 LEGO set. But you don't want to wait ten weeks to get it. So you make an agreement with the toy store owner that if he gives you the set now, you have to give him your allowance for twelve weeks after you finish building the LEGO set. So his analogy touches on getting something for the promise of future payments, deferring loans until after the completion of school, and interest (paying $3 for 12 weeks instead of 10 weeks). I was really excited to see someone do that.
After class I came back to my apartment, had lunch, and started filling out some information for Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance. Hopefully that means that I might have a chance with them... but we'll see. I'm not holding my breath. Then I started working on making the final for my class.
Around 4 I left to go back to school. Two of my students were unable to take the exam last Thursday, so they met with me around 5 to take it. While we were waiting for Jon, Savannah was telling me a little bit about the medical issues she's been having (hence her abundant absences and general ill-feeling). I guess that she has some heart condition (similar to but different form a heart murmur) that causes her heart to start racing at random. Like, in the bad way. So she was on a medication that helped control it, but I guess her body was growing immune to it...and her immune system was starting to die off. So she kept getting sick because her medication was incidentally killing off the immune system. She stopped taking the medication (as the doctor prescribed) and has been just having to deal with the heart issues. So for her it's a trade off of racing heart problems or the tiniest illnesses sending her to the hospital. She was very appreciative of my being flexible. I feel like it's part of my job. It's not her fault that she has this issue. I guess her parents aren't going to let her come to school next semester if they can't get this all figured out. On the way back from giving the exams I stopped by the Marathon station to get an energy drink. I knew I'd be working on stats for a while, so I needed a bit of a boost.
When I got back I made hot dogs and beans for dinner. Oh my goodness they were so good. So much goodness. I had forgotten how much I like hot dogs and beans. Such a fantastic dinner. Then Timbo and Dustin came over and we worked on stats for a while. Like...4 hours. Timbo left around 10 but Dustin and I wanted to finish. It was kind of tough, but I actually felt confident about what I was doing. I think this is the first homework where I've actually had a grasp on what I was doing. Even the proofs I was able to get, which was surprising. But yeah. That about sums up my day. And now I'm super tired and I'm going to bed! Good night!
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