
Day 574

Story time - I didn't have class today because I'm on break.  Good guys: 1.  School: 0.

Oh goodness, it felt so fantastic.  I can't even describe.  Actually, it didn't really hit me until sometime in the evening, but we'll get to that.

Kimmy had to work at 6:45 this morning.  She was not happy (and incredibly tired).  I decided to be a team player and keep sleeping.  You know, to give the cats someplace to sleep.  Or something like that.  Basically I was still really tired.

After I got up, I had some breakfast and got to studying!

This is everything.  I'm hoping not to go through all of those pens... but I'm sure that I will need way more paper than that.

The first couple of chapters are very basic review, but I went through them anyways to make sure that I wasn't missing any basic concepts.  I worked most of the problems, but found that they were getting repetitive, so I just moved on to the next section.  My schedule for Christmas break is pretty intense, but I'm hoping to get ahead as often as possible.  I mean, if I don't have anything to do... why not study?

After Kimmy got home we had some lunch.  She took a nap and I went Christmas shopping!  And thus ends that topic.  I did some more studying when I got back from shopping.  I felt like I'd been gone forever... but it was a little over an hour.

After dinner I did a little more studying, but my brain was pretty tired and quite ready to be done for now.

That's when it hit me... I don't have any homework assignments, papers to grade, or lectures to write.  The only academic thing I have to do is study!  Otherwise, I just have some housework whatever else I feel like doing!  Oh wow, it felt so good.  It was so very relaxing.

And relax I did.  Now I shall sleep.  Night!

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