
Day 570

I don't actually know if I'm going to survive tomorrow, but if I do it's going to be pretty fantastic.

Today started off with a bit of excitement.  I went to the computer lab at school to print some things off to study for my exam tomorrow.  We have 33 problems, from which 10 will be on the exam.  I looked at the first problem and thought "I have exactly no clue how to do this."  So I moved on... and things got worse.  And worse.  Yeah... so that was great.

I did a little tutoring for a student, then tried to get a handle on what was happening with these problems.  They were tough and largely cover material that wasn't really discussed in class.  In fact, one of the topics that we spent the past... 3 weeks?... discussing won't be on the final at all.  But there are number of topics that we never mentioned that are on the final in great detail.  Today was not a fun day.

After lunch I proctored a test, then did some more tutoring.  I went home for a while after tutoring and gathered my senses a little bit.  I'd worked through some problems and was beginning to understand parts of the material.  So after dinner I went back to campus to print some things off, then studied with Tim and Dustin for a while.  A very long while.  I think nearly 5 hours?  Something like that.  We took a break to get some snacks, but we studied pretty intensely for most of that time.  My brain is tired.

I'm hoping to get up a little early tomorrow to get some more studying in, but we'll see how that goes.  For now: it's bed time.  Good night.

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