Yesterday was a pretty good day, I believe. Yes... yes it was quite lovely.
After some fantastic sleeping in I got up, had breakfast, and did some grading. The class I teach is part of the University Core Curriculum (UCC) and must meet certain national criteria to ensure that we're doing our job. Now, whether the implementation is successful is not relevant at the moment. But as part of the mandated assessment, I had to administer a specific test question and then grade it on a rubric that is supposed to reflect a certain level of competence in that area. So after I graded the questions I had to pick a student's work that I deemed to fall into the categories: poor, acceptable, excellent. Then I turned that in to the guy in charge of this nonsense. So that was my morning! It was lovely.
Then I had class. We talked about some new stuff... and realized once again that our books are horribly inconsistent. As Mr. Owens so elegantly summarized one specific inconsistency "they first introduce the notation ri to represent what happens at time i... then inexplicably never write that again, instead using the notation r(i)." That was more comical than harmful, but there was another inconsistency that was making things really difficult to understand. I think I get it....?
Also: this happened.
When I got back Kimmy and I made some dinner and cleaned. We had a few friends over for dinner last night, so I figured it would be good to clean up first. We made lasagna and cheesy garlic flat bread! It turned out well. Paul, Dustin, and Erica came over for dinner, then we played a game afterwards. This game is known by many names... some call it Draw-Pass, to others it is Pictionary-Dictionary, and it was recently released as the board game Telestrations. The idea is that each person has a stack of paper... on the top sheet you write a phrase or word, then pass your stack to the next person. Now you have someone else's phrase (and a different person has yours). You then put the piece of paper with the phrase/word to the back of the pile and draw your interpretation of the phrase. After you finish drawing, you again pass your stack on and receive a new stack. You then write out whatever is going on in the picture you just received. So the game cycles between describing someone else's picture and drawing someone else's description. I don't know if my description made sense... but it was fun. Later on in the night Tim came by for a little bit. So we played some more, then had cookies! As we were eating cookies I showed them how my Cutco scissors can cut through pennies. They were all very impressed. It turns out that Tim, Dustin, Paul, and I have all worked in some sort of direct sales industry... though some of theirs were direct Pyramid schemes. I still hold that Cutco technically is a legitimate business, even if it feels really shady.
Then everyone went home. Kimmy and I cleaned up and just chilled out of the rest of the night. It was good.
That is all.
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