One more test and I am done! Wooooo!
OK, so here's a recap of my day: I studied.
Yeah, that's about it! I got up to campus around 10, then studied for a couple of hours with Tim B. and Erica. We worked through a few problems and wrote formulas. Lots of formulas. Will filled up two dry-erase boards, then erased them and filled both again. And we probably had another 4 boards worth of equations that we could have written (but didn't need to). It was silly. Tim and I got a quick lunch, then went back to studying. When we returned, Tim H. joined us as well. So we all studied for a little bit longer... probably another hour. Then went off to take the test!
I think I did well. There was one question that I'm not 100% sure I got right, but I think I got it at least 85% correct. The others are right, provided that I didn't make a calculation error.
After I got home I didn't study. It was amazing. I'm still feeling a little stressed, so hopefully that goes away after Friday. It's strange: I don't feel nervous about my tests or anything like that, but I just physically feel very anxious. Mentally, I'm quite relaxed. It's a really strange sensation and I'm not a huge fan.
Kimmy and I had some dinner, then I just relaxed for the evening. I played some games with friends, browsed the internet, and things of that nature. I'm going to spend pretty much all of tomorrow studying and preparing for my test on Friday. Normally the test wouldn't be so bad because it's open book. But I don't have a book. So I'm going to copy off relevant pages from the text book and use that (my professor said I was allowed to do that). So that's my activity for tomorrow!
I had an interesting thought earlier today: next Friday, Kimmy and I are going down to Louisville for my interview at Humana. However, next Friday is supposed the end of the world, by the Mayan calender. So I guess if the Mayans were correct, I won't actually get to interview with them!
Well, I'm off to bed now. Cheers!
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