*Insert obligatory palindrome comment regarding 373*
Today was a fine day. For some reason the drive seemed especially long. I'm still listening to the Zig Ziglar CDs, which is nice. But there is only so much of his audible mannerisms that I can take. Most of my time at work was spent working with Lee. We had to change some numbers to adjust for things that management wanted different. So we spent some time trying to make numbers balance. Sometimes using math, sometimes using our best judgement.
I had a salad for lunch. It was good. After eating I made up some of my Flex time by doing some data checking for Tina. I'll probably finish that up tomorrow... hopefully.
After the lunch break I worked with Lee some more. Doing some of the same thing. I took about an hour or so to update some of the data we needed to use while Lee worked on something else. We were able to get more done this way.
On the way home I had to stop to get something to put into my quite empty stomach. I was pretty hungry... and the bathroom at the rest area smelled like a skunk and 2 week old beached whale got in a tussle. It was gross.
I also had to just stop listening to anything for the last half of the trip. My brain just gets too overwhelmed with input and I need to take a break.
I had hot dogs for dinner. Then I did some cleaning and contacting various people I've needed to for the past week. Then mom and I talked for a little bit. She went to go do some gardening and I went to go play a game. Except that I couldn't stay connected to the internet for more than about 5 minutes... so after trying for almost half an hour I gave up and read a comic book. You know, other mentally simulating activities :)
Before too long it was that magical time when we make lunches. And now it's bed time. Good night, all!
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