
Day 358

This morning seems like it was so very long ago...

I got up, showered, and made breakfast.  My oatmeal boiled over and I didn't notice that it made a mess.... sorry mom!  I left around 6:30ish.  I had to go in early to make up time from last Friday.  So I got to work at 7:30 and started doing the report that Vivian and I have been working on.  She arrived shortly after I did and came to help me.  Mainly she's been there to answer questions and make sure that I don't make mistakes.  So we worked on the for the rest of the morning

I ate lunch with Lee.  We talked about how much fun math is and how we got started with the company.  And about how weird it is that Fort Wayne is in a different state, but it's the closest city to Van Wert.  Because clearly something in Ohio should be closer!

I worked with Vivian the rest of the afternoon as well.  We just about finished the report we've been working on for the past few days.  So that's exciting. It's been a pretty hefty project.

I stopped to get gas and coffee on the way back.  The guy next to me smelled bad.  He was a trucker and clearly gave exactly zero concern about the people around him.  I'm not going to complain though.  I try to give truckers a lot of grace... they fill our stores with all the goodies that we purchase.  And bring us our packages right to our front doors.  They put up with a lot, so if a trucker wants to smell bad... I'm not going to complain.

Mom made me dinner when I got home.  Fish and potatoes and carrots.  It was good.  We talked about our days while I ate.  After dinner we went clothing shopping for me at TJ Max.  I got three pairs of pants.  I'm in a weird place because I'm in between sizes... so I don't really know which size fits me better.  The ones I got are a bit snug and I didn't think to have mom look at them.  So that's on the agenda for tomorrow (and yes, she does know that).  After shopping we went to the grandparents' so that I could fix poppy's iPad.  We recently had to upgrade the operating system and in the process he lost his apps.  So we needed to bring them back!

After we left there mom dropped me off at Tokyo Steakhouse to hang out with friends.  I just got something to drink because I didn't feel like buying sushi.  But Becky and Miles gave me the rest of theirs... they are nice to me.  Then they convinced me to stay out a tiny bit longer and enjoy a nice little fire at Becky's house.  And so I did.  James came as well.  So we talked for a bit and it was good.  Then Miles brought me home.

And now I am going to bed.  Good night, friends!

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