
Day 361

So.  Yesterday was quite the day.

I woke up, showered, ate, and then finished packing for my trip to Mount Vernon.  The plan was to leave right after work.

That was the plan....

Five minutes into my trip I realized that I'd forgotten Kimmy's dress.  Yarg.  So I had to go back to Findlay after work to get it.  Anyhow, work went a little differently than originally expected.  I was supposed to work with Lee on some new project, but he got an email right before he left yesterday saying that there was this new thing that had to get done before he left for the weekend.  So I watched him do that.  All day.  Mainly doing more work with allocating insurance territories.  They switched their model, so they have to change some of the territory boundaries.  And then pricing for each region.

After lunch... we did some more of the same thing. I did a little work, but mostly just watching Lee update the thing.  Oh!  I almost forgot.  When I got to work I had a note from Jeff (my boss).  He left town Thursday night, so he left a note for me with my special task. It was written on a scroll type of thing, and I could only look at the next part of the note after the first was read and the task was completed.  So first I had to go to his lunch fridge and get out a surprise.  It was some gooey, amazing dessert.  Then I was to present it to the group, and read off personal notes he wrote for everyone.  But I had a hard time reading his writing... I thought that "amazing" was "annoying."  Whoops!

So after work I went home and got Kimmy's dress.  Since I had some extra time, I also did some check book balancing.  Then it was off to Mount Vernon.

When I got there I ran into some friends, so I talked with them.  Then I went to go find Kimmy.  After she changed we left to go pick up Jared and Kanissa... then off to Dave and Buster's!  That was a lot of fun.  First we ate, then played arcade games.  Kimmy and I played DDR.  Oh man, so much fun.  Neither of us had played in forever.  They give you a card to put points on (instead of using tokens like traditional arcades).  And apparently 3 swipes of the card on the DDR machine gives you like 11 games.  We made it through... 3 games.  We were exhausted.  But it was fun.  Then we played a pirate game!  At the end we were all able to play a 4-player Pac-man game.  That was a lot of fun.  You had to avoid the ghosts and each other... but if you got the power up, you could attack the other Pac-men.  It was a lot of fun!

Then... we went back and I went to bed.  The end!

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