Well, today was pretty good. I liked it, anyhow.
I woke up around 9:45. I've been really surprised with how late I've been sleeping in. After I got up I got some breakfast then played Assassin's Creed for a while. When I was done I took a shower and got some lunch.
I believe it is important to note that on this day, no shirt was worn. That's right folks. Even though this blog is called "I'm wearing a shirt," I rebelled against the rules and wore no shirt.
Mostly because I need to do laundry.
So after all of that, I did some finance stuff. As is my Friday afternoon custom. I started using a program called... "You Need A Budget." It's not very different from the Excel sheet that I've been using for the past few years, but we'll see. It comes with a 34 day free trial, so I'll play around with it and see how I like it. When Kimmy comes to visit, I'll see if she likes it. So if you have any suggestions for something aside from Excel, feel free to let me know. Thanks!
After that I added another recipe to my recipe blog. And made some changes to the both sites. I don't think it was anything huge. Let me know if I should change something.
I did some more thought-processing for my life con assignment. Mainly just gathering ideas and formulae together. I'm getting together with Timbo and Dustin tomorrow to work on it. Oh what fun that will be.
For dinner I made some fish and asparagus that Clifton left for me, since he went home and didn't want it to go bad. I don't even feel like what I did was cooking... I put them in their respective skillets, added some oil and spices, and turned the heat on. But whatever you call that, dinner was made. The asparagus wasn't too bad. I don't remember liking it, but I'd definitely try it again. I just have no idea what to do with it. I just put some garlic salt on it, which is my go-to spice. Love that stuff.
After dinner... I don't remember doing anything super productive. I probably didn't. I think that one of the most valuable things I've learned during grad school is that when I need to work, I do it without any distractions. And when I need to relax, I do that without any distractions. I guess I've learned to be intentional in most things. That way I don't fall into my classic study habit of having my text book open... and not really studying. I think that's the worst because I'm not getting studying done, but I'm also not really enjoying the fact that I'm not studying because I feel like I should be doing work (which I should be). So instead, when I take a break, no thought of school enters my mind. And when I work (hopefully) I don't think of anything but work. When my mind starts to wander too much, I take a break. Otherwise I'm just wasting time. That's helped me be more efficient and just get more stuff done.
In other news, I think that after I'm done with my pills I'm going to go see a dermatologist. Nearly 3 weeks in and my rash has only gotten a little bit better. According to everything I've read, it could have cleared up in a couple of days. Now, that certainly doesn't have to be the case... but almost 3 weeks with little clearing? I just don't feel like it will be all cleared up in the next week. But we'll see.
Ok. Time for bed. Night!
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