
Day 297

I'm tired and I have a long day tomorrow, so this is going to be super short.

I got up, showered, made eggs, and went to the computer lab.  When I got there I did some reading for probability.  Then I think I answered some emails or something.  I was a bit behind on responding to some things people sent me yesterday, so I did that.

During life con we talked more about the differences between the model we just finished talking about and the one we're starting to talk about now.  Mainly it's a change in notation.  So that's just dandy.

After class I went back to the computer lab with Dustin and Timbo to work on an assignment.  We worked on that for probably about an hour and a half or so.  I had to fix some things then do the finish problem.  We got that done, then I had lunch.

When I got back to my apartment I did some dishes, then thought about preparing for my lunch meeting/interview tomorrow.  But then I realized that I work best when I wing it.  I know basic information and if I get too many details I'll just freak out.  So we'll see how this goes.  I had a phone interview previously, so I don't really know what to expect tomorrow.  We'll see!

I also did a little research.  I've heard a lot about the iPhone's "Siri," which is just a name for their voice command system.  So I was trying to compare it with Android's voice commands and see what I was missing by not having an iPhone.  As it turns out... I'm not missing much.  They both do the same thing and often Android is faster. The big advantage for the iPhone system is that it can translate common speech into commands, but on Android you have to use specific key words.  For example.  If you wanted directions  to the nearest Wal-mart, on Android you would say "navigate to Wal-mart."  And you have to preface your sentence with the word "navigate."  On an iPhone, you could say "how do I get to Wal-mart?" or "where is the nearest Wal-mart?" or something like that.  Or if you were setting an alarm.  On Android you would say "set alarm for 7:45 pm."  You could do this on an iPhone, but you could also do the same thing by saying "wake me up at 7:45 pm" or "remind me to call my mom at 7:45" or "play stars and stripes forever at 7:45 pm."  I don't actually know if it would do that last one or not.

After that I stopped by Jessie's apartment to pick something up.  Then I got some dinner with Kathryn.  After dinner I was going to go play basketball with some of the other actuary students, but I didn't feel like it.  I guess there was an undergrad versus grad student basketball game... but I'm really bad at basketball.  So I had little motivation to go.

I didn't really do anything productive.  It's been really difficult to get motivated.  But hopefully it comes to me soon! OK.  Time for bed.  Night!

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