Long day today. Kimmy left this morning around... 630? She had to be at Mount Vernon at 10 so she could start moving in to school. I got up around 7 and got ready to head out. I had to leave by 830 so I could be in mount vernon by 12ish.
I had a pretty uneventful trip. I decided to drive with the windows down to get better gas mileage since I hadn't really been happy with what I'd been getting. So I filled up near Richmond, Indiana at some little nothing town. From there I headed onward! I had been getting about 25 miles to the gallon previously... So not awful but I figured I could do better. And I did! I think I ended up getting... About 36 or so miles to the gallon? I was happy.
Let's see. We got to Akron about 15 minutes before the wedding started. Rachel and Trevor (friends from mount vernon) got married today. It was really nice. There were a lot of people I knew from school... Some of them I hadn't seen forever. Like Dustin... I don't think I'd seen him for about 2 years. But yeah. I had a lot of fun at the wedding. The food was good and there was lots of dancing! I really had a lot of fun. I mean... Friends, dressing all fancy, excellent food, dancing. It was good. And I got to teach someone swing! Kimmy and I were doing the swing and afterwards one of Rachel lite cousins came up to me and said "She (pointing to a bridesmaid) wants you to teach her to dance." So I taught her to swing!
So yeah. Lots of fun. And now I'm back in Mount vernon tonight. Woo!
I had a pretty uneventful trip. I decided to drive with the windows down to get better gas mileage since I hadn't really been happy with what I'd been getting. So I filled up near Richmond, Indiana at some little nothing town. From there I headed onward! I had been getting about 25 miles to the gallon previously... So not awful but I figured I could do better. And I did! I think I ended up getting... About 36 or so miles to the gallon? I was happy.
Let's see. We got to Akron about 15 minutes before the wedding started. Rachel and Trevor (friends from mount vernon) got married today. It was really nice. There were a lot of people I knew from school... Some of them I hadn't seen forever. Like Dustin... I don't think I'd seen him for about 2 years. But yeah. I had a lot of fun at the wedding. The food was good and there was lots of dancing! I really had a lot of fun. I mean... Friends, dressing all fancy, excellent food, dancing. It was good. And I got to teach someone swing! Kimmy and I were doing the swing and afterwards one of Rachel lite cousins came up to me and said "She (pointing to a bridesmaid) wants you to teach her to dance." So I taught her to swing!
So yeah. Lots of fun. And now I'm back in Mount vernon tonight. Woo!
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