
Day 77

Today was a bit of a blur.  I didn't sleep well last night and woke up really early, still pretty exhausted.  I got some breakfast, played Words with Friends for a bit, brushed my teeth.  then I went back to sleep for a couple hours.

When I woke up the second time I felt better, but still pretty out of it.  I haven't sleep well the past few nights...hopefully tonight goes better.  Anyways, after I woke up I played Just Cause for a while.  Then I saw that Jared was playing Team Fortress, so I joined him.  Shortly thereafter James played with us.

I didn't have lunch today.  I couldn't find anything to eat and I was too lazy to go out and get food.  But for dinner I had the other two hamburger patties that were in the freezer.  And mashed potatoes.  It was pretty good.

After dinner I did some laundry.  Well, more accurately I folded some laundry.  I had been working on laundry all afternoon.  About that time mom and dad got home from Muncie.  They were both pretty tired.  I talked with them for a while, helped them clean the van out, put seats back in the van, and all that goodness.

It finally hit me today that I'm going to be moving into school in a week.  That was a scary realization.  I had 4 years of undergrad schooling where I didn't have to think about how close the real world is.  But now in about one year I'm going to have to do adult things.  Heck, I guess I'm going to be starting adult life in a couple weeks to some extent.  It feels weird that I'm going to be teaching a college level class.  I don't feel qualified.  But I guess if the head of the department says I'm qualified that's all that really matters.  It's just so different from being at Mount Vernon: I was only taught by professors with their doctorates (on occasion a masters, but almost always a doctorate).  Ha, and a masters seemed so lofty...until I realized that i was going to be getting a masters degree.  Now it just seems like another thing: nothing too special, just a thing that I'm going to do.  But on with life we go.  And as I've become fond of saying: "something will happen."  My life isn't big enough to stop the universe when I have to make a decision.  The world will keep turning, the sun will keep shining, the waters will keep flowing.  Something will always happen.

Anyhow, mom and dad went to bed a bit early.  Dad had a long day with his triathlon and everything.  Then I played some more Team Fortress.  And I'm really tired so I'm going to bed now

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