Well, it's been a while since I wrote in this. I suppose I've just been going to bed later and haven't really felt like writing after getting up. Anyhow, here's some stuff!
Today was Sunday, so that means church! Church was good. All of the regular staff were gone except for the youth pastor, so he taught today. He talked about why so many youth stop going to church after leaving high school. And he had a lot of excellent points, like how so many parents have given the jobs of role model and parent off to so many other entities (schools, church, daycare, sports teams), or how so many people fail to make church-going a multi-generational activity where everyone can share their thoughts and wisdom with each other. I thought he did a great job, but the huge thing that think got missed (and seems to get missed a lot) is that not every lesson is taught before a student goes to college. Morality/church-going isn't like some savings account, where if fill someone up with enough good lessons they'll make it thought four years of college without mishap. That's not at all how it works. Continuous nurturing is required... just like at every age. Sunday school, small group, bible studies, they are all ways for continuous friendship and growth. The other issue I see (from my own perspective) is the difference between the type of lessons taught in church and in school. During the elementary school through high school years, most students are simply given facts to learn and made to accept those facts. But upon entering college, a more academic mindset that revolves around validating information, separating fact from fiction, and generally not taking whatever is taught without questioning it. But most churches do not get into the seminary-type academic discussions about theology and God. Generally it's more about what things we need to do or believe to remain aligned with God. This is good, but I really think that a more academic approach would be beneficial to some people. Anyhow, those are just my thoughts. I'm sure there are plenty of people who have thought of these before, but it was on my mind. So there you have it!
After church we came home, got some lunch, then I started studying. I really didn't want to, but it had to bed done. So I alternated between studying and playing video games to keep my mind from getting too worn out. I've noticed that if I study for too long in a row, my brain just gets too exhausted and I'm useless for the rest of the day. I'm trying to just doing things in 2 hour blocks, then taking a 30 to 60 minute break. It's been working well.
Kimmy and I made baked potatoes for dinner and they were so tasty. I always forget how long baked potatoes take to cook in the oven, so we ate later than normal... but we still survived. In case you weren't sure.
Well, I don't have school tomorrow in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And I shall celebrate by sleeping in. Cheers!
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