Yesterday was a really strange day.
It started off normal enough: I got up and studied for about three hours. I had a quick lunch, then went up to campus. I tried to study some more but just couldn't focus... so I got another cup of coffee. Apparently this was my undoing.
My hypothesis is that my second cup, paired with being tired and not eating enough, hit my stomach really hard. So for the next few hours my brain was moving everywhere at lightspeed, but my body was dragging. It felt very strange. It made teaching incredibly difficult. My students probably think I'm some sort of substance abuser.
When I got home I ate food and tried to talk with Kimmy, but my brain wouldn't slow down and stay on any one topic long enough to have it make sense or even come out in full thoughts. It was really bad. So I elected to go upstairs to my computer for a while to burn off some mental energy.
Later on in the evening Kimmy and I put a puzzle together! It was a lot more fun than I remember puzzles being. I then realized that we're officially getting old because we stayed in on a Friday night and put a puzzle together instead of... whatever kids do these days.
Yay puzzle!
Beans wanted in on the action too.
This one... this cat right here really likes puzzles. I had to keep the spray bottle by us so that he wouldn't steal any pieces. That little scoundrel.
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