Well, it's election day. And since I don't particularly feel like discussing my day (it was pretty standard), I would like to share my stream of ill-informed views on politics with everyone. And by "ill-informed" I really mean "I don't follow every person's personal agendas."
Here's the thing. Like all of the elections that I've been old enough to really follow, there have been two candidates that represent the very far reaches of both sides of the spectrum.
And here I sit in the middle. Neither candidate really had anything super enticing for me. As one who is about to begin a career soon, you know what I want? A job. Not the promise of a job... I don't believe in hoping for anything that a politician promises (I don't like getting my hopes up, you know?). This is my irrational side speaking, but I'd like to instill a fine for each unfulfilled or broken promise from a politician. You want the debt (which will never get fixed, by the by) fixed? Do that. Charge for lies. I should be an economist or something.
You know what else I want? Something to show for my tax dollars. I don't even care how much I pay in taxes (provided I can actually pay for my expenses), but I want to see the fruits of my taxes. I understand that there are things that do not have a direct tangible benefit for me (like prisons or welfare) that have a social benefit. But if you're going to raise taxes for the middle class, I want to get something out of it.
You know what else I want out of a president? Someone who actually explains to me why I should vote for him, not just someone who bashes the other guy. Seriously, we're voting for a bunch of 5-year-olds. PSA to all future presidents: grow up. Give me facts, not made up statistics about how your opponent poaches wild baboons. Or whatever.
And while I'm at it, you know what else I want? Cookies. About two dozen cookies and a big glass of milk. So any future presidents out there reading this (which, quite frankly, they should all do... they would learn a lot), take note: if you want to win people over, use the college method: FREE FOOD. Heck, if some political party sent me a cheesecake on my birthday every year, they'd have a life-long dedicated slave to their regime.
Seriously. President Obama didn't send me a cheesecake on my birthday. What a punk. And neither did President Bush. These guys have no idea what they're doing.
I like your cookie methods.