More things happened!
Yesterday morning started with me going to a meeting for GTAs (Graduate Teaching Assistants) that was run by the Office for Educational Excellence. It was pretty well. We talked about some strategies for working with students as well as some technical details for putting syllabi and things together. I rode my bike to school and it's definitely an easy ride. I will absolutely be using that as my main means of transportation. While I was gone the service guy came to fix the stove and dryer. He was also supposed to fix the doorbell and do something about the cat poop in the basement (like figure out if there were still animals downstairs). He kind of fixed the doorbell and cleaned up the cat poop, but determining whether there is an animal he left on us. After some experimentation the doorbell works if we put the receiver in the kitchen, but no where else.
After that Kimmy and I ran some more errands. We did our first grocery shopping! We also picked up our internet modem from the Comcast tent at Best Buy. When we got back we put groceries away, then I went about setting up our modem. That was an adventure. The first time I plugged it in and called Comcast, they could not get a signal from the modem. So I plugged it in at two other places in the house, but none of them worked. I had to schedule for a service call on Monday and it would cost $60. I was not amused. Kimmy and I went to the basement to examine where all the cables went. We were thinking that perhaps there was a problem that we could fix? So we looked at the absolute mess of cables in the basement. There is an 8-way splitter, so we took the next half hour trying to figure out which ones were important and which were even connected properly. After concluding that everything was in place, we took the modem back upstairs and tried to plug it in the living room again. After waiting for an eternity it finally started working! Huzzah!
So we celebrated the fruits of our labor by eating dinner and taking a break to enjoy having internet. Which turned into Kimmy getting a sudden burst of motivation and going on an organizing frenzy. So at this point all of our rooms look livable and some of them even look really good!
Later on I did some more studying. Then Kimmy and I watched a movie, followed by bed. The end.
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