
Day 447

Well.  We're in our new house!  Yesterday morning we packed up and left for Muncie. 

It feels so weird to be renting a house with Kimmy. It's awesome, but it's still sinking in that we're married and living together... And that we don't have to go our separate ways on a couple weeks or months.  But I'm sure it will all become normal soon.

So we spent the afternoon unpacking.  Mon and dad made a trip to Walmart to get some food, then Jessie and Richard came over for lunch. Kimmy's parents stopped by for a little bit on their way to Springfield.

Mom and dad went over to Jessie's apartment to get a couple loads of things, then they went home. So Kimmy just did some more unpacking.  Later on we made a trip to Macy's to try to get things off of our registry with gift cards.

After dinner we made one last trip to Jessie's apartment and got the last bit of our belongings.  After we'd unpacked back at our house, our landlord came by to go through all the paperwork and get some money from me.

We also made a Walmart run.  We'd narrowed our registry down to the most important things (like silverware) and got those.  So now we begin the massive unpacking!

And hopefully someone comes to turn our water on this morning.  That would be great!

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