
Day 398

My goodness, what I day today was!

As usual, my body was done sleeping way too early.  I made it all the way to 7:30 before I woke up!  It was pretty great.  So I got up and showered and things.  Jared and I decided to get Waffle House for brunch (yup... we brunched).  This quickly turned into having breakfast with our other friends!  Namely Becky, Kelly, and Miles.  We tried to get Jared to stay up here in Findlay, but he's silly and said something about working or whatever.  Anyhow, Waffle House was beyond fantastic.  Our waitress must have been in her 50s or 60s but was so excited about being there.  We were pretty energetic ourselves, so I think she just played off of that.  Jared and I got there first and told her that we wanted to go outside and play.  She got really excited and wanted to join.  So I invited the rest of the Waffle House staff in earshot to come play tag with us.  They all got pretty excited.  I really like going to Waffle House.  The food is good (in my opinion) but the staff has always been wonderful for me.  I've gone there at all parts of the day and since my friends and I are always excited to be there, the staff seems to really get excited to have us there.  We left our waitress a note thanking her for just being awesome.  She got super excited.  Kimmy and I have left the wait-staff notes before and I really like doing that.  One time she and I went to Bob Evans for dinner and they were quite busy.  Our waitress was doing a phenomenal job, but she was stressed and was ready to go home.  So we made sure we gave her a good tip and left her a note thanking her for doing a great job and that we really enjoyed the few minutes we had to talk with her. And Kimmy drew an ice cream cone on it.  I still think about that and wonder what she did with that note.  In my time at Mount Vernon (now that I've completely derailed from the previous train of thought), I got an anonymous note.  It was in my mail box one day and it was just a short little note saying how much this person (98% certainly female) really enjoyed being in class with me and so forth.  I still have the note because it made me so happy.  But whoever it was didn't sign it, so I still have no idea who wrote it.  There are many things that I think about long after they occur...  

Anyhow, we left Waffle House and all the staff said good bye to us.  It was fun.  Then we went back to Becky's so that Jared and I could get our suits and things.  We also helped clean up because we kind of were too tired to clean last night.

I would, at this point, just like to mention that my friends are awesome.  Not just the ones were here this weekend (though they're pretty fantastic), but all of the friends.  And family.  People are just lovely and wonderful.

When we got back Jared had to go home.  Which is dumb.  Dad had a soccer thing to go to, so it was just me all afternoon!  I spent most of it working on my computer.  Jared gave me a relatively new hard drive he'd had laying around to see if that would fix my computer issues.  And it did!  So I spent the rest of the day trying to redownload and reinstall all of the software that I had on my old hard drive.  It's a slow process... but we're getting there.

After dinner I went to see Mama and Poppy.  We had a really good time.  We talked for a while about generational changes and how technology has advanced... and just how culture has changed over the decades.  Poppy gave me a printout he had of "A Test for System Analysts."  It was silly.  It was a list of 14 questions to be completed in 4 hours.  An example question: "PUBLIC SPEAKING: 2500 riot-crazed aborigines are storming the classroom. Calm them. You may use any ancient language except Latin or Greek."  Another favorite is "MEDICINE: You have been provided with a razor blade, a piece of gauze, and a bottle of Scotch. Remove your appendix. Do not suture until your work has been inspected. You have fifteen minutes."  Anyhow, we had a really good time talking about life and all sorts of things!

There was more I wanted to talk about today, but it's not really anything that happened so much as just things that have been floating around in my mind for a while.  But I'm sleepy, so this is good night.  Good night!

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