Today was kind of odd. I got up around 7:30 because I couldn't sleep anymore. I'm really not a fan of waking up so early when I have the ability to sleep in. Oh well. After I got up I just sort of dinked around until it was time for church. Church was good. Pastor Craig talked about not being a legalistic Christian. He emphasized the importance of not pretending to be super holy because you follow rules that others don't follow, especially when those rules are man-made. Craig used the example of alcohol: the Bible clearly states that Jesus and those around him drank wine. It also clearly states that certain people (John the baptist, Samson) abstained. This does not make one holier than the other. The point was that 1: some of us may have special instructions from God to do something, but if it's not in the Bible it might not apply to everyone, 2: don't rub it in someone's face when God has not told you to do something that he has told someone else to do. Basically... follow the Bible and be respectful of people. There are plenty of people who choose not to dance for religious reasons. Though I disagree, it is my job to respect them and it would be wrong of me to try to engage them in dance. Other people that it's wrong to engage in politics. So I will not discuss politics with them. The important thing is that we agree on what the Bible tells us and we respect each other on the things the Bible doesn't tell us. Though it wasn't explicitly mentioned in the sermon, this lesson extends far beyond just Christians dealing with Christians. Be respectful of everyone's beliefs. You're not going to be able to share Jesus' love if you condemn people for not following the Bible. I doubt that many people will feel the love of Jesus if I go to an abortion clinic and tell each person that they're going to Hell. Instead, we should be seeking to help people in their suffering. THAT is what Jesus did. And that's what we need to do.
Anyhow. After church I came home and got to work on my computer. I did some more diagnostics and utilities using the disc that Kimmy's dad gave to me. While one of them was running I filled out an application for my apartment next year. We have to turn them in when we move in/officially sign, but I wanted to get it done now.
I was able to get my computer up and running... mostly. I got Windows installed. But I think there is a hardware issue. Usually after you install Windows everything is about as fast as it will ever be. However.. mine is still pretty slow. This is a classic sign of a hardware malfunction. So I'll be looking around for a new hard drive, I believe.
Also: this guy has seen better days. |
Um... so yeah. That's about it. For some reason I was feeling pretty bleh today, but I think it's just lack of sleep. So I'm going to get some sleep now. Good night!
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