I woke up this morning around 9. I was so happy that I actually was able to sleep in. I got about 9 hours of sleep last time. It was fantastic.
I made eggs over easy for breakfast. It was my first attempt and they turned out pretty well. Flipping them was difficult, but between two flippers I made it happen. I finished my biscuits, so I need to make more. Shoot.
After breakfast I showered and then studied. One of the purposes of studying for so many hours is so that come exam time, I can look at a problem and say "Oh, I've solved one just like this." Ideally, there will be no surprises on the exam. There are still a few types of problems that I don't answer correctly consistently, but I'm getting better. I didn't actually time the exam I took this morning, but over the course of the day I did a full exam and only missed 5 or 6 problems. 2 of them I was in between the choice I picked and the correct one, 1 of them was just poorly worded, and the other 2 or 3... I don't remember why I missed them. I need to read more on arbitrage. Arbitrage is a situation where you can make a series of purchases/sales and make money without actually spending any money. Those questions usually get me. I understand what it is and can answer most questions about it, but sometimes they'll ask a really weird question about how to set up an arbitrage given a specific scenario and... I don't really know what to do. I think I just need to read the section some more. And swaps... some of those questions confuse me as well.
Anyhow, this afternoon Kimmy and I went to the Indianapolis Art Museum with Jessie and Richard. It was pretty neat. Kimmy and I are going to take some of the rooms from the museum for our house someday. We also got to park for free because the machine was broken. There was an employee trying to make it work, but it continued to not work. So she just let us go in for free!
We also got lunch at this sub place with a really sweet drink dispenser. And it had some different flavors of drinks. I had a lime coke. I liked it.
When we got back Kimmy and I made chicken and rice for dinner. We were going to watch a movie, but my PS2 is officially dead. Sad. So after dinner we went to Wal-mart to start our registry there. But this Wal-mart doesn't do wedding registries. So we'll probably just do it all online.
When we got back we had ice cream and I figured out what I'm going to eat this week. Woo hoo! I'm trying a couple new dishes that I found in the cookbook Kimmy gave me.
And now I'm updating my blog! And going to bed. Mhmm. Night!
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