
Day 242

Today today today.  It began with how cold it is outside.  No really, it's cold.  But I am grateful, for it is not the middle of the summer.

Anyhow.  I got up and showered and ate and then went off to class.  This morning in my investments class we talked about how look at interest rates as a probability distribution.  See, future interest rates cannot be known.  They can only be predicted.  So mathematical analysis can be done to known information to acquire probable interest rates.  I suppose that is what we'll be learning about next.  We'll see!

In between classes we went to the Atrium.  Tim had some riddles, but that didn't last long.  We didn't really talk about much.  I had a bagel.  It was ok.

In Life Con we had another day in the computer lab.  I didn't really need it, since we had pretty much finished it on Tuesday.  So I spent the period formatting my work to make it look nice and trying to help the people around me that had not quite finished the assignment.

After class Dustin and I went to the gym and worked out.  It was not fun.  My arms were less than pleased.  But we made it!  Hopefully I can maintain this routine.  We celebrated with a lunch of Burger King.  And I do not regret this decision.  Nope!

When I got back and had showered I continued my standard Friday activities.  I have a hard time doing homework on Fridays.  So I take advantage of this.  Since I won't be able to concentrate on school, I don't even try!  Instead I get other things done that I neglect the rest of the week.  Like cleaning.  Or dishes.  Or straightening my room.  Today I did all of those.  And I began working some more on my resume.

For dinner I made a chicken/pasta thing.  But I didn't let the noodles cook long enough, so I was kind of upset.  Oh well!

Later on Clifton came back to the apartment.  He and I had a nice talk about how we argue.  And optimism versus realism/cynicism.  I really hate how realism and cynicism are so often seen together.  Perhaps they truly are the same.  Maybe to see the world as it really is you have to be a bit skeptical.  I don't really think so, but I suppose it could be the case.

Anyhow.  I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna go to bed.  Night!

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