I did some studying while I was at work. I also got an email from some investment company in Cincinnati asking me about my resume. They said that I had failed to include anything on my resume about having passed exams, and that as soon as I sent them my updated resume they would consider me for an interview. I replied and explained that I'm in a class that will help prepare me for exam 2/FM and that I will be taking that exam in February, which is the first time that it is offered after my course is finished. But I'm not expecting to hear back from them.
I tried really hard to study today. I really did. I read through a few sections in the book, but I just couldn't do it. I've been studying for some exam every day for a week and a half. And my brain was done. So I just kept trying to read through the book and look at example problems. Timbo came and we worked on stuff for a while. He had lunch with me. He left around 12:30, then Erica came and we studied for a little bit. Maybe 30 minutes. Then I came home. I just couldn't do it anymore. So I played Team Fortress for a little bit. Then I studied for the hour before I went to class.
The exam itself actually went pretty well. I know there are two that I messed up on. But the last half of the last question... No one with whom I talked knew what to do exactly. I was clueless. So... I wrote some stuff down that I knew wasn't close to right. I drew a graph. And I turned it in. Maybe I'm a bad student, but I knew that no matter how long I stared at that paper nothing new would come to me. Some of my friends worked on it until the moment she took the test up. But not me. I knew that I would just get frustrated at myself and discouraged. So I just turned it in and sat out in the hall until everyone else was done.
After class we were all going to go out to eat in honor of today being Timbo's birthday. He had gone to workout after the exam and we were going to go when he was done. But around 6:30 people started texting me and asking when we were going because they were hungry. So I sent a text to Timbo... and he said to just go without him. I really didn't want to do that. It's his birthday! But he insisted that we just go without him. So I was kinda unhappy. So I met Dustin, Erica, and Kathryn at Mancino's and I informed them that Timbo would not be joining us and I explained why. At this point they let me know that they could have waited and that I should have just had them wait until Timbo was done. I was not amused. But anyhow, dinner was good. After a while we started talking about dating protocol. It has occurred to me that the girls in my group are completely ok with the double standards placed upon men concerning dating.
I'm going to rant for a little bit here, just a warning.
For instance: in their mind, men should treat all woman with utmost chivalry, always holding the door, pulling the girl's seat out, offering an arm while walking, etc. Men should also always initiate a first date and offer to pay for said date. However, (according to Erica and Kathryn) it is completely acceptable for the girl to use this as nothing more than a free meal. The same goes for a guy offering to buy a girl a drink at a bar: they believe that the girl has no obligation to talk with the guy. It would also be creepy if a guy told a random girl that she was attractive. However, women are not expected to be chivalrous to guys, they should not be expected to ask a guy on a first date (because if they were rejected it would hurt the poor girl's feelings...), and it would be very rude if a girl offered to buy a guy a drink and he simply took his drink and left. And it's completely acceptable for a girl to tell a random guy that he is attractive. So Dustin and I went on for quite some time about the unfairness of this double standard. Erica and Kathryn like to remind us that guys in the south are such gentlemen. So I reminded them (both being from the north) that the reason guys up here are such jerks is because we have deal with norther women. So I explained my reasoning. I don't hold the door for every woman because I've been yelled at by feminists who think I'm trying to show how weak women are. I don't offer my arm to someone walking because I'm trying to be sensitive to the fact that there are a lot of people how have a personal bubble and prefer that it not be invaded. I would never go on a date with someone if I thought it was only a one time thing because that's expensive and rude to the person paying. And it's just as hurtful to guys when they get rejected as it is when girls get rejected. But for some reason in our society, guys are expected to simply take rejection from females as a normal occurrence and then just move on with life. Basically I told them that I'm not a southern gentleman because I've had too many females tell me that they want equality, so I'm doing that the best that I can. If a woman wants to be treated as a helpless little flower, ok. That's fine. If a woman wants to be treated exactly like I would treat a man, ok. That's fine. But there is no feasible way for me to know that prior to having a very deep conversation about who each person is and how they like to be treated. And that, friends, is what happens when you generalize.
So yeah. Dinner was good. I came back and recapped all of that Clifton. He agreed with me.
Then I talked to Derrick on Steam for a little bit. He wants to start doing some game development and he wanted an idea. So I gave him the idea that I've been working on for about a year. He said that it's too advanced for what he can do right now. So... maybe in a few years.
That about sums up my day. Except that now I need to write my lesson plan for tomorrow. And Dr. Begum might be coming to watch me. So... I need to actually prepare something. So off I go. Night.
Women are dumb and drive me nuts. There is no other way around that and I would probably drive feminists up the wall.