Today was a bit of a long day. A good day, but long.
I got to my office a little before 9 and started studying for my life contingencies exam. Going through problems and definitions and such. It was a blast. Two of my students came in at various times to get help on the practice exam. I think that most of them are far more worried than they should be. Others probably aren't worried enough. But I got some good studying done.
When I got back I called mama and got caught up on life with her. That was good. We talked about class and dialysis and all of those lovely things. My classes and poppy's dialysis... just to clarify. After that I studied for life contingencies more. Woo. Just working through problems and writing out definitions and equations. I get the chapter 2 and 3 stuff pretty well. It's just the chapter 4 stuff that is giving me trouble. A lot of the examples use excel, but our exams aren't done in excel. So most it takes some work to find an example that is actually relevant.
I also worked through an example for statistics that was supposed to be worth extra credit. I got to school early to go over the problem with Erica, Jordan, and Dustin. Dustin explained that there had been an error in our professor's work, so he and I figured out how to do it properly. It made a lot more sense after that.
Stats went. We ended up not getting any extra credit. Boo. After class Allstate gave a presentation to the Actuarial club. I really liked the presentation. The company seemed really interesting and like it was a really good place to work. After the presentation I tried to get an interview but they were full. I'm getting concerned that I've only had two interviews.... :/
After that I came back and studied some more. Talked with Derrick some on Facebook. Studied more. Talked with Clifton for a while. And now.... I'm done updating my blog and will be going to bed! Night!
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