So today's excuse for not blogging last night: I was tired. But more on that later.
Yesterday morning I had a poptart for breakfast then went to go cut the grass. It really needed it. it was my first time cutting the whole yard with the riding mower. Parts of it were challenging, but I was able to get it all.
When I finished I think I took a shower, got Kimmy up and got lunch. During lunch we watched some Big Bang Theory. I do enjoy that show. When we were done we made pizza dough for dinner and mashed potatoes for dad's dinner. Then we took said pizza dough to James' house of Board Game Day 2!
We started with a game called "Zombies!!!" It was a lot of fun. The board is constructed as you play with tiles that have parts of roads and buildings on them. So on your turn you take a road tile, place it adjacent to another road tile, and place the appropriate number of zombies on that tile. You then roll to see how many space you can move. If you encounter a zombie, you roll a die: 4, 5, 6 kills the zombie. If you get a 1,2, or 3 you can use your heart or bullet tokens to help you win. You start the game with three of each. A bullet token raises your attack roll by one per bullet used. So if you rolled a 3, one bullet token would make it a 4 which allows you to kill the zombie. Alternatively, using a heart token lets you reroll. Once you run out of heart tokens, you lose half of the zombies that you killed and start back in at the starting piece. Losing zombies is significant because you can win by collecting 25 zombies. Additionally, the last piece to be played is a heli-pad. The other way to win is to be the first player to reach the heli-pad and clear it of zombies. So anyway, it was fun. I won :) After that Miles had to go get his bike fit. James, Kimmy and I played a game of Dominion.
Then we went to Kroger to get cheese and went over to Becky's house to finish making pizza. Becky got there right before the pizza was done and Miles got there about 10 minutes after it was done. So we had pizza and played another game of Dominion. Kimmy won! And then we played another game of Zombies!!! and I won! So obviously that was good. It was a fun day.
The not fun part started when we got back. My throat had been sore with drainage all day. Kimmy suggested that I heat some water and hold it under my face to breathe all the steam in. That helped kinda... I got some stuff out, but it also made me throw up. So I decided I was done with that. I ended up just trying to go to bed and hope for the best. Yeah, that didn't work. I was in bed for about an hour and a half and decided to take some Benadryl. That did nothing. So I waited another hour and a half and took two Tylenol PM. I think that worked. I finally fell asleep around 4:30. And that, friends, is why I did not update last night. On the plus side I'm feeling a bit better today. Hopefully I'm all better in the next day or so!
Zombies la la la la, la la la la Zombies...