
Day 50

I was a little slow getting around this morning, so for breakfast I had a banana with peanut butter.  It wasn't nearly as good as I was hoping.  :/  For some reason I started thinking about Plumpy'nut while I was eating it.  The thought that peanut based food can have so many important nutrients just baffles me.

I saw Kelley and Mrs. Vandekoppel at church and sat with them.  And Mister.  He was there too.  We all sat together.  In a row.  The four of us, we were, in a line.  I'm not sure I can keep this explanation up, so I'm going to move along.

The service was really good.  Pastor Ben talked about how no one is going to heaven without God.  Specifically, he spent time discussing the intricacies of that small statement.  I've written about this before, but basically everyone on this earth, regardless of their sin, is on the same level: sinner.  It doesn't matter if you're the pope or a serial rapist, God sees you as a sinner.  Without Jesus' redemption, every person is on par with every other person.  Ever.  So let's stop thinking that we're high and mighty because we tithe or because we keep all the rules or some other garbage.  We are just as evil as every person we judge.  After we've gotten all that straight, it's important to realize that because we're all on the same level, only redemption through Jesus actually does us any good. The things we do should be a "thank you" to Jesus for being chill enough to not send us to hell for sinning.  Anyhow, that was church.  It was really good.

After church I came home and got some lunch.  Dad was watching the USA women's soccer team play... someone else.  I can't remember who and I'm too lazy to look it up.  While he did that, mom did some cleaning and I wrote a paper for my economics class.  That took up most of the afternoon because I just could not focus on anything.  Yay.  Then it was dinner time.  Mom and dad went to one of their soccer player's house for a meeting thing and dinner, so I made myself (read heated up for myself) some perogies.  After dinner I took my test.  That went....yeah.  It went.  I've realized that this is just a class that would be much better had I taken in a classroom.  And maybe if I'd had more than a one week break before starting.  Oh well.  It is what it is.

When I'd finished my test, I think I played a little Team Fortress 2... then I switched over to Assassin's creed.  And now here we are!

I forgot to mention something from yesterday.  While we were playing settlers mom asked me about a shirt I was wearing: allow me to link you.  So mom asked what it all meant.  She said she recognized the quadratic formula (near the bottom, starting with x = ...).  So I thought about it.  I definitely don't know everything, but starting from the top left and working across horizontally there is:
1. A mobius strip (a one sided band)
2. An identity - The cardinality (size) of set of rational numbers Q is equal to the cardinality of the set of natural numbers N.  And both of them have aleph nought (the first level of infinity) elements.
3. An isomorphism: the Integers map to the Real numbers
Next line
4. The definition of a logical conditional statement
5. A cube (A Platonic Solid)
6. A Finite State Machine (the thing with A and B in circles)
7. A knot
Next line
8. A dodecahedron (one of 5 Platonic solids)
9. The summation of the numbers 1 to n
10. A Mandelbrot fractal
11. A set identity (the compliment of A union B equals the intersection of A compliment and B compliment)
12. The McLaurin representation of e
Next Line
13.  Some important differential equation
14. Octahedron (another Platonic solid)
15. Graphical representation of the area under a curve
Next Line
16.  This has something to do with the dihedral group of order (size) n
17. Pi function (the number of primes less than or equal to x)
Next line
18.  Defining the set of rational numbers
19.  Cartesian Coordinate system
20. Something else related to differential equations (clearly I remember a lot from that class)
21. Another knot
Next line
22. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
23. Tetrahedron (Platonic Solid)
24.  A circuit
Next line
25. This might have something to do with Euler Routes... but I really don't know
26. Icosadodecahedron (Platonic solid)
27. Gamma function (multiplying all numbers from 1 to z, even if z is not an integer)
Next line
28. Euler's identity (also known as God's identity)
Next line
29. The Quadratic Formula
Next line
30. The repeating decimal representation of the Golden Ratio.

And there you have it!  Now I'm going to bed.

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