
Day 507

Well, I think that technically my lesson could have gone worse this morning.  It would have been hard, but it could have happened.  It started when I got to the computer lab where I normally print things off (which is close to the room where I teach) and apparently people were taking a test in there, so I could not use it.  Very well.  So I went off to another computer lab.  The computers there are pretty slow and it took (I timed it) ten minutes from the time that I sat down at the computer until the time that I could print off my document.  That should have taken no more than 2 minutes.  And when I tried to print my notes off the computer couldn't connect to the printer.  By this point it was time to start class.  So I jotted a few notes down rapidly and went to class.  Upon arrival I realized that since I wasn't able to print off my notes (and I hand-out that I'd made for my students) this lesson was going to be very difficult to teach.  There were a lot of pictures to draw, meaning that instead of being able to reference pictures from a hand out, I had to draw them all.  Which was time-consuming.  I was also pretty flustered from everything going wrong, so about ten minutes into the lecture I stopped and realized that so far I had made no sense at all.  So I began again.  This is a very difficult section to teach, especially because I'm trying to teach the why and what behind everything, not just the how.  How is easy.  But they don't benefit from the class if I just teach some formulas.  Anyhow, I think that by the end of class I had redeemed myself (hopefully).  We'll see on Tuesday!

After class I went to my office and did some grading and job applying.  Then Tim came by and we did some homework.  So we worked and talked for a while, then went off to get lunch.  We sat with Chris, who is a math masters student.  So we all had lunch and talked and such.  It was good fun.  Then we went off to class.  I got my test back today.  I did well, but I made some silly mistakes.

When I got back from class Kimmy and I made some dinner.  We made chicken noodle casserole!  It tasted really good.  While it was baking/after dinner I did homework.  I have about 95% of it done, so I just need to review it before my quiz tomorrow.  I also need to do some grading and start preparing for my lecture on Monday. I'm teaching Mr. Owens' class, so I need to make a lesson this weekend.

After I was done being all responsible I played a game with Miles.  So we played and talked and had fun.

Oh!  Kitty picture!

They really don't like when I use my computer, it seems.

That's all for now.  Good night!

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