
Day 320

Hello everyone!

Today was quite eventful.  And I even got to sleep in!  I didn't get up until 8 am.  It was amazing.  I sort of wandered upstairs because I heard the normal voices (mom, Jessie, Amber, and Lily) so I joined them as I stumbled around, pretending to be alive.  Standard morning procedure.  Mom had made some tasty breads and muffins, so I ate some of those for breakfast.  Kimmy joined us about 30 minutes later.  Jessie, dad, and Richard all went to go run around 9, then about 5 minutes later Kathryn woke up.  She was going to go running with them, but we figured she'd appreciate sleep more than a run (she did).  So we all ate and coffee-ed.  Those of use who required showers did so at that time.  Kimmy and I went to the store to get lunch food at pineapple for the glaze I was going to make.  When we got back we had lunch and I made a glaze.  It's a pineapple base with some brown sugar and honey thrown in.  We'll see how it turns out.  I had no idea what I was doing.

After lunch we all went about our various tasks.  Jesse and Amber actually left before lunch to go see one of Jesse's cousins who lives up in Toledo.  Kimmy and I went to go work on an art project she has, Kathryn took a nap, Jessie and Richard went to go visit the grandparents, mom and dad did some stuff around the house.  I don't actually know what they did since I was no there.

Kimmy has this art project where she put a question on a piece of paper in an origami box, along with a website where you can answer the question.  She then placed these boxes in various places around Findlay, with the intention of people picking the box up and taking it home to answer the question.  She also had to take pictures of the boxes to make a sort of collage thing.  Hopefully people actually participate.  So we put some at the park and some others along Main Street.  So we'll see what happens!

When we got back we had to collect a few things (and a Kathryn) before heading over to the grandparents.  But we made a stop at George House first.  It was good.  I miss the coffee there.

Anyhow, we then went to the grandparents.  It was fun.  We sat around and talked and such.  A couple of weeks ago Mama had gotten me a DVD on the "Joys of Probability," at which time she got for herself "The Joys of Mathematics."  I have those and have watched most of them.  They're really good.  They are presented by Dr. Arthur Benjamin, who is a remarkable mathematician, professor, and small time magician.  Basically he just talks about why math is awesome. Mama really likes math so I think she'll enjoy these a lot.  From my recollection he doesn't get into any really intricate arithmetic or computation.  Most of it is conceptual.  And there were definitely times watching it where I had to just stop it and come back later because some of the sections require a lot of attention.  But they're very good.  Mama and poppy also caught us all up to date on what has been going on in their lives, so that was good to hear.

Mom made sloppy joes and potato fries for dinner.  It was quite tasty.  And after dinner we cleaned up and colored eggs!  We had all of the fun.  Except that I filled the containers pretty full, so many messes were made.  But we had fun.  After eggs I went to go help dad work on the grandparents' new computer.  He set it up and was trying to get everything set up properly.  He'd been working on it for quite some time, so I figured that I would relieve him of his duties.

Eventually we all had to come home.  After Lily went to bed we sat around and talked about babies for a while.  Well, some of us did.  I asked Amber about having a mid-wife and all of that.  As it turns out, mid-wives do not house their practice in mud huts, light lots of candles, sprinkle splices, do ceremonial dances, or utilize voodoo dolls.  So.  Lesson learned.

Some of us decided that it was snack time.  So we got snacks and held very mature conversation, I'm sure.  My sisters and I are very good at that.  Kathryn claims that we aren't too strange and haven't completely weirded her out yet, so this is good.

In other news, everyone thinks it's really strange that I don't like taking on the phone in front of people.  They are silly.

And now I'm going to bed.  Night!

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