
Day 167

Today didn't feel like Friday at all.  I'm glad it was, but it felt like a Saturday all day.  But we had class, so I guess it was, in fact, a weekday.  We had some review in finance this morning.  We talked a little bit about duration.  I'm still not completely sure what that means, but it's not on the exam on Monday... so I have some time to figure it out.

In between classes I had a meeting with the other G.A. instructors.  We discussed some of the similarities and differences between our classes.  One thing that Dr. Fischer mentioned that I really need to start doing is to get away from always using the same structure for the lectures.  He recommended to not always explain a concept then give an example in that order.  He instead suggested to sometimes go through an example, trying to make sense of it first.  So, using the example as a way of "creating" the concept.  I do something similar, usually using some sort of fundamental example to introduce a concept.  But I think I could do better.  So we'll see.

After the meeting I had life contingencies.  We had another warm up problem.  I got this one today.  I was a little worried that I didn't use all of the information on the board, but I still got the right answer after I figured out what I was doing.  He said that he'll probably do another review warm up question next Thursday or Friday.  It's been helpful.  After that we talked more about pricing policies.  Specifically we talked about what to do with policy books.  It's all quite fascinating.  I realized how far my sense of humor has slipped into a weird morbid/math hybrid.  I'll try to explain.  In our classes, we use the symbol Tx to represent how much longer a person is going to live.  So today in class we were discussing how each year an insurance company only pays the sum insured to the beneficiaries of the policy if Tx is between a certain time interval.  He wrote on the board that Tx has to be greater than 0, but I asked if we had to be concerned about Tx being equal to 0 or whether that is an arbitrary example (because the probability of an event happening at one specific instance in time is 0).  So he looks at me and goes "So.... you're suggesting that the policyholder dies at the very instant that he buys the policy?  I don't really think we need to worry about that."  For some reason we all that thought was really funny.  Like, David and I almost started crying.  Yeah.  I'm going to keep going now.

After class I went to go work out.  But I just really wasn't feeling it today.  So I worked out for a little bit, but then left early.  I just was not in the mood to work out.  So instead I left after about half my workout was done and went to get Burger King.  It was kind of like working out...  So Kimmy and I had Burger King lunch and it was tasty.

When lunch was over Timbo came over and we studied finance for a while.  We made some good progress but definitely still have more things to do.  He left after a couple hours, then I just let my brain relax for a while by playing Team Fortress with Miles.  Then around 6 Kimmy and I made chicken and yellow rice for dinner.  It was yummy.  We started watching Casino Royale over dinner.  But they talked really quietly so neither of us really know what the story line was.  Around 8:30 Kathryn suggested that the three of us all go get ice cream and Berry Winkle.  Kimmy had yet to go there (and it was ice cream) so clearly we decided to go.  And it was amazing.  I had white chocolate and pumpkin ice creams with butterfinger topping.  It was fantastic.  So we had ice cream and talked about stuff.  I'm sure it was super important. But we had fun.  I think we did anyways.  I had fun, so clearly Kimmy and Kathryn did as well.  Obviously.

Then we came back, finished the movie and now I'm going to go to bed!  Good night, all you lovely and wonderful people.

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