
Day 36

Today feels like it went on forever.

I woke up all my boys this morning and grabbed a shower before everyone got up.  After I had gotten everyone their phones and I thought they were all up, I went downstairs to meet everyone for breakfast.  This all went fine until when I was done eating someone (maybe Debbie) asks me if I've seen one of the boys, Angus.  I had woken him up, but it seems that he hadn't gotten up.  So I grab an apple for him and rush back to the dorms.  There he is, sound asleep.  So I wake him up again, give him the apple, make sure that he's sitting up and is speaking to me before I leave.  

I went back to my room to relax when Drew called me.  It seems that one of the cleaning ladies had been a bit over zealous and had thrown away all of one of the piping instructor's music.  So I had to go print off about 14 songs with 6 copies each.  Yay.  When I got that delivered, I went back to my room for a bit before lunch.

Lunch was decent.  They have amazing fruit salad and possibly the best milk I've ever had.  Oberlin College gets a lot of their food from local farmers and this milk is absolutely perfect.  I literally could not ask for anything more from a glass of milk.  Anyhow, at lunch one of the piping instructors gave me a flash drive to make some more copies.  So Nicole and I were heading back to the dorms (where the copier is) when I mentioned how creepy the basement in one of the buildings is.  Normally a creepy basement wouldn't bother me except that in this case, the building was the main dancing building during all my years at camp AND you had to walk through said basement to get to the men's restroom.  So I showed her the horrific basement and she agreed: it's really creepy.  Anyhow, after that we went back to the copy room to make copies.  But there was no computer hooked up to it, so I waited, since she had to go back to class.  Eventually when everyone else was done with lunch Pam brought her computer and I could complete my task.  Victory!

After all that business I took some more pictures.  I was going to document the creepy basement... but it's still creepy.  And I chickened out.  Maybe later. Let's see... I think I took pictures of all the groups.  It's fun, but I feel like I'm taking a lot more pictures of the dancers than anyone else.  They just do so many different things!  And the other groups... don't.  They just sit there.  Oh well.  I'm trying.  They also had Circle Time in Tappen Square, where all the pipers and drummers go play music together.  That was neat.  Afterwards Nicole really wanted ice cream, so we walked down the half-block to the ice cream place.  I had a cookie cone!  It was amazing.  When we got back from ice-creaming there was a group of harpers who had struck up a tune and had begun dancing.  That was fun (and clearly I documented it all).

Then it was dinner time.  That was probably fun or something.  I'm so tired...

After dinner it was shower number 2 time.  That felt so amazing.  After shower number two I went outside to document the games being played.  Then we just kind of putzed around.  I played ping pong (and won of course).  But this rendered my shower kind of useless because I started sweating again.  Ewww... And then there was more ice cream!

Um.  I put little kids to bed.  Then sat around and talked with friends.  Then put older kids to bed.  And now I'm doing this.  I'm sure I forgot some important things, but I'm tired.  So it's bed time.  Night!

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